Soak seeds in room temp water till they sink. Put seeds in damp /wet ( not dripping ) paper towel. Fold up and put in Zip lock bag. Put in a warm dark place. 24/36 hours you will have tap root. If the seed sinks as soon as you put in the water it does not mean it’s not viable.
Why make more moving parts?

Just put them in rapid rooter.....jiffy....root riot.....solocup with need to move a very fragile seedling. Transplant when it's got some roots established.
Maaaaaaannnnnn....... I hate not having closure.....

I really want to know if any of those seeds popped..
Don't worry bro ham. I just got confirmation that the weed did grow and was smoked fruitfully. The solution was to sing to the seedlings before bed time every night so that they can rest properly and wake up from the soil. Unfortunately though, one of the seeds died of old age before it could be rolled into a joint or spliff or maybe even a fat blunt. I grieved for months hearing this, but once I gave it time I moved on.
Don't worry bro ham. I just got confirmation that the weed did grow and was smoked fruitfully. The solution was to sing to the seedlings before bed time every night so that they can rest properly and wake up from the soil. Unfortunately though, one of the seeds died of old age before it could be rolled into a joint or spliff or maybe even a fat blunt. I grieved for months hearing this, but once I gave it time I moved on.
What song did you sing it?

That matters greatly.
So did they sprout? I’m having a bitch of a time getting some old seeds to sprout for me. I have White Widow from Seedman and can’t get a single one sprouted
I hope so. Im ready to get it poppin. They cant be more than an inch deep. Im not sure if they're old seed or not. All different types of weed tho, and different shapes and sizes. Some brown, green, black. Preciate it
A little deep I plant mine half inch