How long does it take speedy to process an orderr??


Hi everyone, i placed an order of goods from speedy on 04/30/2010, how long would it take him to process and ship it? and what would i expect the package to look like??


Well-Known Member
It takes up to 2 weeks, less in most cases, as for packaging, I can't say much beyond you'll know when you see it, as pics and descriptions of seedbanks' shipping method makes it easier for the man to sniff out our seed orders.


Well-Known Member
yes it has shipped, i'm serious concentrating on getting items shipped atm, i'm a little behind with the admin, which is why it hasn't marked as complete yet, should be with you mid to late next week hopefully all being well


Thanks speedy, looking forward!! Im kind of in the middle of believing in you, so far so good! keep up the good work