How long does MDMA stay in your system URGENT

Lol... you are smarter than me... I would have bumped a line already.... I would know if it was meth or not LOL.... ahh to be young got some crazy friends, eh? kickin you down random powders
MDMA is water soluble, so if u do end up taking it just drink plenty of water and get a good sweat in tomorrow and sunday and monday u shuld be good, make sure to drink water tho and lots
MDMA is water soluble, so if u do end up taking it just drink plenty of water and get a good sweat in tomorrow and sunday and monday u shuld be good, make sure to drink water tho and lots
Weren't you that dickhead that made that fake thread about an MDMA addiction? You're a loser bro.

The positive on mdma will also be positive on amphetamine since they are so close in chemical structure..get a test kit next time and you won't have to go through this again.. time(hopefully never again),use a pacakge of clean urine and a 'hot hands' pack..if its too hot when you pour the piss in the cup,submerse the cup in toilet water till its at body temp...presto..
And again heisenberg..test kit!!..until I got to the end of this thread,the whole time I was thinking..this guy got rerocked speed with some methylone added in..its easy to do/make and get fooled..
Be safe! Happy hangover!!lol
There's no need to call me an idiot. You don't know who I am, nor anything about me really, I can say the same for you. I'm just trying to have a fun night that's all, I didn't ask this question to be called an idiot I came here for advice, there is no reason to be an asshole.

"I'm just trying to have a fun night that's all"

I think you said it all right there. I think his opinion is quite valid.

You could have a potentially fantastic night, (there are never garuntees). Or you could for sure have more fun times later on down the road in the future after the drug test.

I don't see the point to this anymore. You've basically already answered your own question. Your asking about something that you don't even know the identity of. So...
Oh yeah tonight was a fucking banger guys. I ended up doing .75 (.45 to start off) then literally like 30 min ago i did another .3.
Molly is honestly something special
Another shout out to all of you who actually tried to help me with this question MrEDuck Skuxx and esp. Racerboy17. I appreciate it guys I had a too crazy night. Holy shit that was probably the happiest i've been in god knows how long. Good shit, hell i would share with you guys if I could.
Stay safe RIU.
Im going to smoke a cigarette then try to get some shut eye.
Probably the bath salts..... seriously though I truly hope you pass your test but you are dumb as shit for putting a 25$/hr job on the line. Not sure what field it's in and don't care to be honest but most areas of the country those jobs aren't growing on trees and the "hotties" don't want a dude with no money. Again, I hope it works In your favor but I wouldn't have done it myself. I also have 2 kids in private school, 2 cars payments, and a mortgage.
Feel like utter shit haven't beeen to sleep yet it's actually pissing me off.

Bummer man...took around 200mg mdma last night and topped it off with some more 2c-b....I actually had a brutal headache last night...fell asleep about 20 min after I took 20mg 2c-b woke up around 2am about an hour later and was tripping pretty hard....kinda through me off couldn't remember that I had eaten 2c-b when I first woke up :)

Eat some fruits and get some sleep you should feel much better....
Probably the bath salts..... seriously though I truly hope you pass your test but you are dumb as shit for putting a 25$/hr job on the line. Not sure what field it's in and don't care to be honest but most areas of the country those jobs aren't growing on trees and the "hotties" don't want a dude with no money. Again, I hope it works In your favor but I wouldn't have done it myself. I also have 2 kids in private school, 2 cars payments, and a mortgage.
I appreciate that homie for real, Not the bathsalts B.S. lol you're a dick for that haha but I appreciate you keeping it real. And yeah of course bro I'm an idiot for putting a 25$ job on the line but I'm pretty positive that I'll pass my UA on monay because MDMA is water solube and I'm drinking plenty of water, but again man I appreciate it and I'm sorry for freaking out on you!
Cheers bro
Water soluable means just does not mean it will collect in the water your expelling from your system and leave all at once..listening to people is one thing..accepting it as fact is another..don't listen to me tho..I'm not a dr...

Feeling like shit? should eat more fluff...I actually believe fluff makes me feel better in the morn than a cup of coffee...
hey skuxx, what do you think of this idea.. go to cvs and get a ua test kit.. get a lil bit of water and drop a super small amount of the questioned drug into the water solution, stir for a few minutes, than use the ua test kit to see if it shows up dirty for amphet's??
obviously, i know this isn't the best solution, nor the ideal way of testing drugs, was just curious if this would actually work or not and help narrow down your chances of taking something you don't know what the eff it is??

While a great idea, and may work to sone degree, UA tests are actively looking for specific metabolic byproducts in your urine, not the active chemical you wish to ingest.

Just wanted to add this as I'd hate anyone would think this is an accurate way to test drugs or confirm a specifc substance