I wouldn't risk it either Jeezy.
NORML has some great information on the subject.
The following regime has been suggested by a former army drug testing officer (Robert Freeman, "How to 'Beat' a Drug Test," High Times, Aug. 198

: Take an 80-milligram dose of Lasix; take a hefty drink of water; piss two or three times, then take the test. If you're lucky and didn't smoke too much pot, a good washout may get you past a test on a couple days' notice. However, regular smokers should allow at least a week or two if at all possible.
I like to periodically flush it from my system... which sucks. But as Cronk said, it will lower your tolerance... Allowing you to get a bigger bang for the buck. I also think this technique promotes the numerous health benefits associated with moderate Giggle-Bush use such as the promotion of brain development, etc.
Good luck with your test bro...