How long does your super soil last?

That is subjective. I've grown out Chernobyl and Agent Organge, neither of which would see my flower room again. Such good soil he throws it out everytime...
Why didn't you like chernobyl and agent orange if you don't mind me asking?

I don't give a rat's ass about 1.5g per watt. If you are going for numbers go talk shop with the hydro guys. Dollars in (his pocket) Dollars out (your pocket). This baffon has been greasing the editors at high times for decades now. The only thing he knows is how to talk out his arse. I heard him say once how much plants hate neem... would you like to see my plants after I spray them with neem? I suppose the praying towards the lights means they hated it. :roll: Bone meal, blood meal, etc... I think he's getting an endorsement for the slaughterhouse byproduct producers association.

Subtool's stupid soil is a reckless and pathetic attempt at applying an npk/hydrostore mentality to organic soil growing. He does not stress the importance of the humic portion of the soil, but advocates a truckload of different ingredients. He openly states he uses avid on his plants, and I'm sure the non-organic doesn't stop there (rooting hormones, etc).

It ain't rocket science,

Yes same idea but then you let bacteria breakdown the plant matter by letting is sit for a month or so. Ive topped dressed my outdoor with lots of stuff but not my indoor so much. I bought 25lb bags of amendments this year that's why I've been playing with plant fermentation.

letting the pureed kelp sit for a couple months? in the article I read it was stored in a canning jar sealed and in the fridge and pulled out whenever you wanted to mix more.

when you say letting it sit, how is your process? I really wanna try the thing I was saying but I might like yours better.
Let it sit under the sink or some place dark. Like I said I'm just leaning about this but my understanding, is that buy letting the bacteria break down the plant matter your making it more available to the plants right away, instead of the non water soluble part sitting in the dirt to be slowly broken down.
Subtool's stupid soil is a reckless and pathetic attempt at applying an npk/hydrostore mentality to organic soil growing. He does not stress the importance of the humic portion of the soil, but advocates a truckload of different ingredients. He openly states he uses avid on his plants, and I'm sure the non-organic doesn't stop there (rooting hormones, etc).

It ain't rocket science,


THAT ^^^ right there expresses just what I hate about Stupid Soil, the hydro mentality to organics aspect.

Thanks P!

Thanks for being nice and stating a fact with out attacking me. Most people are so negative when they make a point.

What's avid, I've only been watching his show for 2 year and im thinking when he moved to Cali he might have gone more organic. He's a spionsad fan I thought. I've only been growing for 3 years and making my own soil for about a year and a half.
Lol, well, I don't know about nice, but I'm not trying to attack anymore personally. I attached the MSDS for Avid insecticide. I watched a video where Subtool says he just has so many mother plants he has to use avid. Read that, and tell me that's something you want to spray on your plants and smoke. :spew:

Spinosad is NOP approved for organics. It's a bacteria rather than chemical. It will kill bees, invertebrates and other beneficials, so be sure to read the precautions before using.

You're on the right track starting your own worm bin. As Coot once said, get the humus portion down, and you will have few questions thereafter. ;)


THAT ^^^ right there expresses just what I hate about Stupid Soil, the hydro mentality to organics aspect.

Thanks P!

Are you by chance the same Wetdog as on GC? ;)



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Any why that's not the hydro aspect that business, if you sell, money in money out. Sorry if you don't understand basic business, make money. @Wetdog
Lol, well, I don't know about nice, but I'm not trying to attack anymore personally. I attached the MSDS for Avid insecticide. I watched a video where Subtool says he just has so many mother plants he has to use avid. Read that, and tell me that's something you want to spray on your plants and smoke. :spew:

Spinosad is NOP approved for organics. It's a bacteria rather than chemical. It will kill bees, invertebrates and other beneficials, so be sure to read the precautions before using.

You're on the right track starting your own worm bin. As Coot once said, get the humus portion down, and you will have few questions thereafter. ;)


Are you by chance the same Wetdog as on GC? ;)

Most people attack not state ideas, but really if you sell and don't just grow personal why wouldn't you track your gram a watt and try to do better to make more money and improve your self ?

I only spray new clones and little plants way before they reach flower,I would kill my crop before I spray any where near flower and I use omri organic spinosad spray.
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Lol, well, I don't know about nice, but I'm not trying to attack anymore personally. I attached the MSDS for Avid insecticide. I watched a video where Subtool says he just has so many mother plants he has to use avid. Read that, and tell me that's something you want to spray on your plants and smoke. :spew:

Spinosad is NOP approved for organics. It's a bacteria rather than chemical. It will kill bees, invertebrates and other beneficials, so be sure to read the precautions before using.

You're on the right track starting your own worm bin. As Coot once said, get the humus portion down, and you will have few questions thereafter. ;)


Are you by chance the same Wetdog as on GC? ;)

spinosad is a fucking beast!! I'll die buy that shit. lol
Most people attack not state ideas, but really if you sell and don't just grow personal why wouldn't you track your gram a watt and try to do better to make more money and improve your self ?

I only spray new clones and little plants way before they reach flower,I would kill my crop before I spray any where near flower and I use omri organic spinosad spray.
some people grow medicine for others and do not sell but recieve donations for taking the time ane effort to take care of plants. Im one of those people and money will never be a prioity for me. But hell i do work full time as well. guess it would be nice to have growing be my only job someday.
some people grow medicine for others and do not sell but recieve donations for taking the time ane effort to take care of plants. Im one of those people and money will never be a prioity for me. But hell i do work full time as well. guess it would be nice to have growing be my only job someday.
I do help people who need it but need to pay my bills also. Half of my outdoor garden is for medical card holders and half is mine.
I gave the super soil a try last year. My issues were burning in veg and early flower then early fading. The early fading could have been caused by too much of one thing locking out another. I had the same issues for two grows in that soil with the third grow falling on its face very early. If you read up on amendments you will see that some last a few months or less and some can last for years.

I have since re-amended the same soil with better stuff and am on my third plant in the same soil. So far the fade starts around day 35 using clear water only.

Here is a shot of my room from yesterday. The platinum bubba on the right that is fading is 41 days into flower. The plant in the center that has started fading is also a platinum bubba and is at day 38. The holy grails, Xj13 and my cross (still need to name it) are just getting going.

View attachment 3507778

Too much P in the mix at the start.....P takes a long time to be used up when you add too much to start.......I might venture you should add a longer term N or increase that amendment a bit.......Day 35 is indicating high P.. Watch the amounts of Bone meals and Rock phosphates you add.... COOK longer too.

That is subjective. I've grown out Chernobyl and Agent Organge, neither of which would see my flower room again. Such good soil he throws it out everytime...

I don't give a rat's ass about 1.5g per watt. If you are going for numbers go talk shop with the hydro guys. Dollars in (his pocket) Dollars out (your pocket). This baffon has been greasing the editors at high times for decades now. The only thing he knows is how to talk out his arse. I heard him say once how much plants hate neem... would you like to see my plants after I spray them with neem? I suppose the praying towards the lights means they hated it. :roll: Bone meal, blood meal, etc... I think he's getting an endorsement for the slaughterhouse byproduct producers association.

Subtool's stupid soil is a reckless and pathetic attempt at applying an npk/hydrostore mentality to organic soil growing. He does not stress the importance of the humic portion of the soil, but advocates a truckload of different ingredients. He openly states he uses avid on his plants, and I'm sure the non-organic doesn't stop there (rooting hormones, etc).

It ain't rocket science,


And his buddy The "REV" and his boat load of amendments. Same damn thing......Then there's the "layering"....What is that about?

I used to say I did a "version" of the TLO soil......Lets see here....Guess not:cry:. Even the Base is different.....Fresh EWC, Canadian Peat (no coco), Little white lava stone (no perlite) and my own farm compost (no bagged steer shit).....No Bone meal, No blood meal. Less P sources over all......Dolomite alternatives and plenty of Gypsum...

I do far better with less amendments into the base and even less for the bloom soil.......I like doing it old school......Veg in a small pot say 2/5ths the size of the bloom pot, with a low P&K soil mix then up pot them to the bloom soil mix and let them veg for 2 more weeks and flip - then just stand back and water..


Most people attack not state ideas, but really if you sell and don't just grow personal why wouldn't you track your gram a watt and try to do better to make more money and improve your self ?

I only spray new clones and little plants way before they reach flower,I would kill my crop before I spray any where near flower and I use omri organic spinosad spray.
When profit is the primary mover, things get jacked up quick. I know what I generally hit g/per w, but there are several things higher up on the priority list for me. Avid is systemic, meaning it stays in the plant for a moderately long time. I don't think I have to state what I think of a person who would spray poison on medicine because it was too much work to do it the right/safe way. Certainly not someone I would support or promote.

And his buddy The "REV" and his boat load of amendments. Same damn thing......Then there's the "layering"....What is that about?

I used to say I did a "version" of the TLO soil......Lets see here....Guess not:cry:. Even the Base is different.....Fresh EWC, Canadian Peat (no coco), Little white lava stone (no perlite) and my own farm compost (no bagged steer shit).....No Bone meal, No blood meal. Less P sources over all......Dolomite alternatives and plenty of Gypsum...

I do far better with less amendments into the base and even less for the bloom soil.......I like doing it old school......Veg in a small pot say 2/5ths the size of the bloom pot, with a low P&K soil mix then up pot them to the bloom soil mix and let them veg for 2 more weeks and flip - then just stand back and water..


Agreed, I put the Rev in the same boat. Get good with the fewest ingredients possible imo. Using a huge list of of unfamiliar ingredients is only going to empty one's pocketbook and leave them frustrated.

Agreed, I put the Rev in the same boat. Get good with the fewest ingredients possible imo. Using a huge list of of unfamiliar ingredients is only going to empty one's pocketbook and leave them frustrated.

I'm a no spray person unless there's a new plant coming into my grow. Never meet or seen a person use avid sorry including subcool. I kill it it with subs soil with electricity it coast 300$ a pound to grow. you guys should really complain about people using bottles. If subs amendments are unfamiliar to you dont use them. I live in the biggest weed producing part of the county, prices are low, competition and supply are high. I'm thinking you need to live in the word of growing and distribution to understand. I'm a good 40% cheaper than a club, so I'm taking care of people and making money.
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I'm a no spray person unless there's a new plant coming into my grow. Never meet or seen a person use avid sorry including subcool. I kill it it with subs soil with electricity it coast 300$ a pound to grow. you guys should really complain about people using bottles. If subs amendments are unfamiliar to you dont use them. I live in the biggest weed producing part of the county, prices are low, competition and supply are high. I'm thinking you need to live in the word of growing and distribution to understand. I'm a good 40% cheaper than a club, so I'm taking care of people and making money.
Do I sound like this is my first rodeo? I'll be the first to admit there is always more to learn, but there's a good chance I have been doing this longer than you are old. Live in the world of growing and distributing? Lmao!!!
I try and grow as organically as possible, but when it comes to prevention and dealing with pests, I choose a nuclear warhead and dip new clones/cuttings into Avid. While the precautions instructions on this pesticide look pretty heavy, there are two main factors that put to rest any fears I have. First, I do not spray the product at anytime. Instead, I mix per label directions and use this as a dip only. Second, my research has uncovered the fact that Avid is used heavily in my local agriculture on many berry and fruit bearing plants, so I am already likely to be consuming large quantities. Some growers choose to use more Earth friendly products such as Neem Oil, but Neem is really hard on the plants and does not always ensure a full kill.

The proper way to apply Avid is to dip the clones as soon as they arrive and then again three days later, ensuring that all emerging eggs are also killed since mites have a life cycle of three days.

I will actually treat clones and then place them inside a dome and use duct tape to seal it shut. This prevents any pests from escaping and infecting your garden. I am also a fan of pest strips. Make no mistake, these contain a controversial toxin called dichlorvos and it is a carcinogen. I guess it’s really according to how bad you hate mites (or as we call them, “The Borg.”) I would never use the pest strips around flowering plants, but I have been known to tape one up inside a dome with newly received clones.

Organic my ass...

Want to see me waste money, I'm buying Kyle kushmans full line next to try. Money doesn't matter only end results. You guys are funny you start saying money doesn't matter than you say it's going to empty your pocket book. I spent 300$ on bulk amendments this year and they will make soil for 2 years is that cheap enough?
I've been in the distribution end for 18 years and only stared growing when it became legal as I never wanted to go down for 2 charges at one time. I've sold in Wisconsin Arizona and Nevada. Northern Nevada might as well be NorCal I'm about 20 minutes away. Sanoma country is my next move. Lol if you can't post info on how sub grows now get overy your self. Watch the weed need. Glad I did follow him before Cali cause I wouldn't do any of that. So your mad he stepped his game up and you didn't pay attention ? He might have stuff to teach you.
Do I sound like this is my first rodeo? I'll be the first to admit there is always more to learn, but there's a good chance I have been doing this longer than you are old. Live in the world of growing and distributing? Lmao!!!
I try and grow as organically as possible, but when it comes to prevention and dealing with pests, I choose a nuclear warhead and dip new clones/cuttings into Avid. While the precautions instructions on this pesticide look pretty heavy, there are two main factors that put to rest any fears I have. First, I do not spray the product at anytime. Instead, I mix per label directions and use this as a dip only. Second, my research has uncovered the fact that Avid is used heavily in my local agriculture on many berry and fruit bearing plants, so I am already likely to be consuming large quantities. Some growers choose to use more Earth friendly products such as Neem Oil, but Neem is really hard on the plants and does not always ensure a full kill.

The proper way to apply Avid is to dip the clones as soon as they arrive and then again three days later, ensuring that all emerging eggs are also killed since mites have a life cycle of three days.

I will actually treat clones and then place them inside a dome and use duct tape to seal it shut. This prevents any pests from escaping and infecting your garden. I am also a fan of pest strips. Make no mistake, these contain a controversial toxin called dichlorvos and it is a carcinogen. I guess it’s really according to how bad you hate mites (or as we call them, “The Borg.”) I would never use the pest strips around flowering plants, but I have been known to tape one up inside a dome with newly received clones.

Organic my ass...

You never said something then changed how you do it because you find a better way ?