how long dose it take to see bud from 12/12 seed


Active Member
you dont really want to be doing that you need to give the plant more light during the veg stage so that when you go to a 12/12 cycle your basiclly tricking the plant in to thinking that the winter months are coming so she starts to flower so you need to start on something like a 18/6 cycle or even 20/4 cycle


Well-Known Member
Wait about 5 days, and you'll see some changes. You'll either see two thin hairs peeking out or you'll notice several ball structures. Ideally, if you don't want to seed your females, get rid of the males. In about a weeks time the females will show themselves and you'll be well on your way to high hopes and higher feelings. When those little hairs start to show, you'll want to remain in 12/12 for at least 6 weeks if not longer.


Well-Known Member
I mean that the plant is just in a solo cup and im following along with that party cup grow off thread i just joined to late and i noticed some of their plants have bud already and im just wondering about how long will it take if you start it from sprout to finish in 12/12 im really just experimenting.


bud bootlegger
i've never grown from 12 / 12, but would love to hear an answer to your question though.. i'm surely not an advocate of it, but would just like to know the answer for shits and giggles..


Well-Known Member
The length of time from seedling to showing sex which will vary from strain to strain is about 4 to 8 weeks. IMHO some strains indoors especially are better grown on 12/12 start to finish because of height issues. Sativas love to get large and a veg time can make some growrooms very small. The more you grow something the more you learn about it, sometimes your biggest goof is best learning tool.
Good Luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
With 12/12 I would be afraid that the plant wouldn't know it's supposed to go in flowering mode and it would veg forever (Just my thoughts)


Well-Known Member
from personal experience,vegged one 10 days then 12/12, 11 days later she showed hairs, same strain 12/12 from seed showed hairs on day 16.