How long for curing process to complete?


Well-Known Member
So, like the title says, how long does it take for a curing process to complete, if done properly? I've read that curing is a chemical process within the bud. I've read that once curing has stopped it also can not be restarted (like if you accidentally dry the bud too much, adding a fresh bud or leaf doesn't restart the curing process, it just rewets your bud only). Does anyone know the science behind curing because I can't find much legit info about the subject. I find a couple month cure is best, bbut I read in a high times article by dj short that he cures for 4 years. Wtf? So from what I've heard and read, he isn't curing for 4 years, hes basically storing the bud after say 6 months of curing right?

So my question is HOW LONG FROM START TO FINISH IN GENERAL FOR A BUD TO FINISH IT'S CURING PROCESS. 6 months then it's over, a year, two years, four years?


Well-Known Member
I cure for around a month most places in Colorado only cure for 2 weeks then they put the product out on the shelves.


Well-Known Member
I cure for around a month most places in Colorado only cure for 2 weeks then they put the product out on the shelves.
That's what I'm saying too, in California most stuff isn't cured for very long either it seems, I cure mine as long as I can and have some that's a few months old but as soon as it's over a few months old I put it in the fridge if it needs longer storage. It blew my mind when I read some articles about people "curing" for years, it doesn't get any better after a certain period of time, it just turns brown and loses all its smell and taste imo