How long have you been growing


Well-Known Member
I must amend my previous post. I grew several 13' plants in 1975.....smoked the leaves and didn't wait for buds.

Can you say "headache"?


Well-Known Member
Started outdoor about 18 years ago but missed about 8 years in the middle there and indoor for a total of about years but always at someone else's place


I started outdoors in the spring of 2002. This was in response to 9-11 when the U.S. government staged attacks on its own citizens to enact a new phase for their NWO. Nobody could get pot and when it was around it was too expensive. I have grown every year outdoors from 2002-2012, I didn't last year because I went to a new city. I have grown weed indoors from 2005-2009, and from last year to the present. I plan on going back outdoors this summer using the area that my taxes pay for.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....newbie to roll I, not to growing weed. Thought this would be the thread to say g'day ! Been growing outdoor since around 91-93, my last three years of high school. Guerrilla to kick off and last 10 or so in my backyard nice and stealth.....and sometimes beyond my control..not so stealth.


Well-Known Member
mid 90s outdoors..been inside for bout 10 years or so... I like to grow them in the winter and release them into the wild come spring time.


Well-Known Member
13 years, first grow was sativa dom bag seed in my own backyard...a backyard in Ft. Lauderdale FL. 4 blocks from the police

I had not a clue what I was doing, just stuck the seeds in the ground and kept watering. By July, there were 3 plants poking above the 6 foot privacy fence.

Mind you, Florida back then still treated cannabis like meth so this was a real risk. I finally decided it wasn't such a hot idea and cut them down.

But I learned some basics to build upon.
13 years, first grow was sativa dom bag seed in my own backyard...a backyard in Ft. Lauderdale FL. 4 blocks from the police

I had not a clue what I was doing, just stuck the seeds in the ground and kept watering. By July, there were 3 plants poking above the 6 foot privacy fence.

Mind you, Florida back then still treated cannabis like meth so this was a real risk. I finally decided it wasn't such a hot idea and cut them down.

Man my first try was in a creek bed behind my moms house in high school. We planted a whole wine bottle of mex seed in a spot that should have had about 10. In no time you could see them from a bridge a half a mile away.------dumb kids----mike


Started growing outdoor in1988 but didn't have good genetics until 1990 when I was gifted 2 cup winning strains from 89', Northern Lights, and Northern Lights/Skunk#1. Have been cloning off those genetics for 20+ years and lost both strains a few years ago.

Had a nice indoor show for 3 years but shit happened and been out of commision for a couple years, drug tests, the whole nine yards. That is finally over. Time to regroup and move forward...


Well-Known Member
Started my first seeds in the summer of '69.
I got serious about my hobby after I read the very first issue of High Times mag in the summer of 1974.

It is, without doubt, the greatest hobby in the known universe!
since i was 14years old! decided to grow some random seeds my sister found in her buds from the medical shop. a bud had like 1 or 2 seeds in them. and i went around collecting seeds from my family member, because everyone smokes weed but no one grows it. i have 3 uncles 1 smokes weed but doesnt grow, the 2nd used to grow in the 90s and quit he just smokes now. and my third uncle, he grows for prophet in the emerald triangle guerilla style in the 1000s he sais. at his home he grows in his back yard. he packages pounds up and sends them to the northern californian medical marijuana shops. he does make some illegal sales also. but i wont go into that. i hardly see him. but when he comes around he brings me seeds on seeds! anyways, my first grow i had 32 seedlings, i gave 10 away and 10 died... i was left with 12, i had no experience and i was young. it was outdoor. and my food decision was miracle gro all purpose, it did the job and got me some nice buds to give to my family to try out, i dried and cured them up. they smelled like hay after but. the stone was good. ever since ive been growing and growing each summer. and this year i began with an indoor for my first time. im growing bubba kush and using the scrog method. using foxfarm soil trio fertalizer. those years ive been was using 20-20-20. and for about 3 years ive been using fox farms. it is the best stuff in the world. the plants become monsterous and not to be a douche but better looking than the ones on the internet. lol.... and i have a secret, if i stop growing i become really depressed. its in my genes to grow. and im not saying my first and last name but it means victorious garden. i was born to be a grower. and all the years ive grown. no bs. only 1 male plant. believe it or not. that was a regular. now days i buy them online and feminized. i love my country and state! f**k yeah!!!! :weed: