How long have you been high?

Oh it really doesn't bother me, It's been a nice break from the boarden; but it might be nice to talk to people with some intelligence.... NAAA I'll stick with the homos for a while and see if the dogs can say anything intelligent...:lol:

Boarden your horizons cap!

I thought spell check came standard on the interwebs. It autocorrected me multiple times trying to address my boarden
I first tried it in 77'. I was way to young but a pretty girl talked me into it. And then my brother thought it was cool to see his kid brother stoned and it's been on like donkey Kong ever since . I never hung out with kids my own age, always with grown-ups and usually with nam vets . I just couldn't relate to folks my age and still can't, for the most part.
Lol. My first time smoking was because a hot girl. I was in high school. She was a couple years ahead of me and first year in college. She was home for the summer. I worked for her dad. She had an IROCZ t-top. She asked me if I wanted to go for a ride.

We get down the road and she asks me if I smoked weed.

What could I say.

It was a fun evening.
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Ok! Sorry for the pause here, but I got my new bong from China 2 weeks early and well you know, Priorities! Ha-ha… Geez that’s two bongs in 12 hours… Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket… I think I might sell the monster I got last night… It's so big, I can't clear it… I could just put less in the bowl I guess… But I think the smaller one from China is the way to go for now until my vape pen gets here … It's a better hitter…

Back to the tread… I owe you guys an apology… I was laughing at something somebody said here and my wife said what are you laughing at; at the same time my bong showed up so I just handed her my computer… She said that it did come off as bragging… I don't always see things how they appear to others.. In my head I was trying to make light of my own personal suffering and was thinking I might find some comradery… My mistake! But it has been fun… I don't get challenge to often… As far as my schooling goes {And I don't remember who challenge it} I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer… I couldn't have graduated high school if my life depended on it… I am highly dyslexic and never even heard the word until I was 19… That was the first time I realized that I wasn't just stupid… It was 10 years before I came across the book "The gift of dyslexia" It taught me how to curve the negative side of it while keeping the positive side of it, which allowed me to go back to school and get my real-estate license… I got into the market to late and about starved to death… At the age of 46 I went back to college and became a success in my field until my back took away my mobility, my job, my house, my manhood, my dignity and almost my life.… I sound like a country song… Anyway I'm sorry if I have steered you guys wrong, No hard feels here… ya da ya da! and back to my new bong…

Really sorry to hear all that. Would you like me to punch your TS card?
Lol. My first time smoking was because a hot girl. I was in high school. She was a coue years ahead of me and first year in college. She was home for the summer. I worked for her dad. She had an IROCZ t-top. She asked me if I wanted to go for a ride.

We get down the road and she ask me if I smoked weed.

What could I say.

It was a fun evening.
i mean,, the question was "how long have I been high:" hahhaa
Lol. My first time smoking was because a hot girl. I was in high school. She was a coue years ahead of me and first year in college. She was home for the summer. I worked for her dad. She had an IROCZ t-top. She asked me if I wanted to go for a ride.

We get down the road and she ask me if I smoked weed.

What could I say.

It was a fun evening.

Nothing like the first time.

Damn women make me do crazy shit , I'm such a wussy for pussy. :hump::lol:
Lol. My first time smoking was because a hot girl. I was in high school. She was a coue years ahead of me and first year in college. She was home for the summer. I worked for her dad. She had an IROCZ t-top. She asked me if I wanted to go for a ride.

We get down the road and she ask me if I smoked weed.

What could I say.

It was a fun evening.
wait whoa,, i did not read your post,, i just jokingly respondd,, but then i read it,, game me well,, when something reminds me of old feelings they almost become fresh,, to feel like when did back then,, shewwwsh,, i wish i could
Nothing like the first time.

Damn women make me do crazy shit , I'm such a wussy for pussy. :hump::lol:
oh yes this thread,,, first time i saw naked real tits,, a girl leaned in my VW,, i so much liked my drag fast ass vw more than this girl,, she leaned in and i saw the whole enchalada,, and she felt it was worth a joint,, but the guy in her car i was super mad at that night,, so no,, she did not get a joint,, just a look in the eyes,, and she knew,, it got nothing
oh yes this thread,,, first time i saw naked real tits,, a girl leaned in my VW,, i so much liked my drag fast ass vw more than this girl,, she leaned in and i saw the whole enchalada,, and she felt it was worth a joint,, but the guy in her car i was super mad at that night,, so no,, she did not get a joint,, just a look in the eyes,, and she knew,, it got nothing

Hey Tim the new avatar is cool man, long time no see , you still hanging out in organics.
You're so mature and with it. Let's dissect this -

You're a 66 year old who comes as a noob to a pot forum to play the childish game of 'I've been high longer than you!' With such a silly, meaningless thread, you predictably get a little hazing from strangers on a pot forum, and you can't believe this turn of events. Instead of being cool, you play the self-righteous, mature adult. You then insincerely apologize for being a little bitch, then immediately again start acting like a little bitch. You don't want these waste-of-time-strangers to 'get the better of you', which shows massive insecurity, especially for a man your age. You show homophobic tendencies, which sucks. Now we bore you, but you won't go away, so you obviously have nowhere better to be. You are silly, and so are we. But at least we're having fun. We obviously fascinate you enough to stick around, so stop fronting like you are superior in any way. STFU and enjoy the show. Noob...

He has to do something with his time. Now that he's 66 he can only jack off once a day.
Nothing like the first time.

Damn women make me do crazy shit , I'm such a wussy for pussy. :hump::lol:
wait whoa,, i did not read your post,, i just jokingly respondd,, but then i read it,, game me well,, when something reminds me of old feelings they almost become fresh,, to feel like when did back then,, shewwwsh,, i wish i could

Good to see you around Tim.

It was a good summer. Dad would let me use his boat anytime I wanted.

This girl and I would go to the lake all the time. I knew of a private cove with a sand beach only accessible by boat.

We would drink, smoke and hump like there was no tomorrow.

Good times. Good times. I can almost smell her skin thinking about it.