How long have you been smoking?


Active Member
I'm 21, I've been smoking (regularly) since age 18. Before that I smoked sporadically (like, whenever a friend had a doobie I'd hit it) from age 15.


Well-Known Member
I started when i was 17 and im turning 27 but dont look older the 20 lol all from the smoke keeps you looking young

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
^ wow!
let me ask you///
not trying to offend you.
But i dont believe "burnout" occurs to everyone.

Sure i can;t remember where i put shit that i just put down. But it's still pretty okay all around.

Ever feel that? or are you? or are you just as you are.. I guess it would be hard to really compare since you been smoking before puberty.


Well-Known Member
10 years for me although i took a month break last month cause my probation was ending and didnt want to get shafted right at the end


Well-Known Member
started at 14...arrested at 14...still smokin at 18:joint:...dey cant stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats to everybody with 10+ years under thier belt:clap:


Well-Known Member
On the late side of 44. First toke at 11 years of age and it did nothing. Started seriously smoking at 13. I've been smoking now for nearly 32 years, but slowed down some between 25 and 30 something due to an extreme anti-pot partner.
I've been without a smoke (not voluntarily) for around a month now, but that'll change come Sunday...Sunday Too Far Away!! Sounds like a good name for a movie.:roll:

I started as a social smoker, but smoked daily all day from about 15 through to about 18. IAll I really thought about was getting off my face (but that was due to some bad things that happened to me). Left the city at 18 because I was worried that I'd end up an Acid head or something (started liking the trips too much), and lived off the land as a hippy for a while. I probably smoked less than an ounce in the time I was living in the rainforest (a year or so). Went back to civilization and started smoking again (nothing else). Time to end the life story crap before this ends up an autobiography!

The past 8 years or so I've been a daily smoker. As in spreading a gram to two grams out through the day. I don't 'abuse', I use it as a medicine. Much the same as someone would a prescription chemical drug.

I've mentioned my reasons for smoking on other threads, and have voiced my opinion on prescription poisons, so I won't bore anyone again about that.:roll:
I guess I'm one of those other crusty old farts that have contributed to this thread :bigjoint:.
Oh, and my Lady is another long time smoker, but she's about 6 years younger than me.

**Old fart opinion piece warning!*

If you use and don't abuse, you'll be OK. Make sure you control the weed, don't let it control you.

**End warning**