How long have you grown??


Well-Known Member
its better to be paranoid and safe and cocky and busted. to elaborate don't freak your self out to much the police have better things to do then bust a personal grower. the amount of man power money and time it would take to get a raid together to bust in your door is unbelieveable they just wont do it if your not retarded. to elaborate more This dosn't mean to flaunt it because if you tell them exactly were the drugs are thats basicly serving your self up on a platter to any cop trying to make quota or just some jackass who hates weed. Just be safe


Active Member
its better to be paranoid and safe and cocky and busted. to elaborate don't freak your self out to much the police have better things to do then bust a personal grower. the amount of man power money and time it would take to get a raid together to bust in your door is unbelieveable they just wont do it if your not retarded. to elaborate more This dosn't mean to flaunt it because if you tell them exactly were the drugs are thats basicly serving your self up on a platter to any cop trying to make quota or just some jackass who hates weed. Just be safe
thanks man~ i agree.


Well-Known Member
just a question about some of the stuff people have been saying
breakdancer awesome post you gave a lot of good info. i'm growin for the 2nd time but the first time i had to get rid of it way b4 flower cause i wasn't growing in the type of place u should be growing.
I'm now on my second grow and i'm in college so for those who went to school u kno how heavy the traffic can be coming in and out of a room. I made the mistake of telling some close friends about the grow and as time goes on i keep seeing ppl saying don't tell anyone don't tell anyone. i understand that now for the obvious reasons of ppl talking too much and also ppl trying to rush the grow (anyone ever have that friend that wants to smoke pistils?) but i guess i was wondering should I be paranoid that some of my friends know?


Well-Known Member
I have had friends want to smoke my dried up fan leaves in blunts ( the ones i trimmed durring veg lol ) and by friends i mean my self ... :( all you get is a head ache. As far as the college grow their is alot of traffic in an out of rooms are you in the dorms or do you have your own apartment. that will depend on my responce to your paranoia question. if its in the dorms and anyone else but you knows about it you should probley get it out. I say this because the dorms are not your property and can be entered by the housing people at their own descretion if they feel their is are "dangerous / illeagle " activitys going on anywhere from drinking and loud fornicating to a methlab, and if you get caught growing their you will not only have the leagle ramifications but you will also probley be kicked out of school and have REALL hard time getting in anywhere for a while. so Yeah don't fuck up your future just wait till you have an apartment or move them to a REAL good friends apartment ( a house is prefered to avoid the apartment inspections and land lord crap ) but thats always iffy. if you have your own apartment then its much less of a big deal and your best bet if you are still paranoid is to tell your friends the plants died because of some noob mistake aka over fert over water ect. ect. mold is always a good one. then just don't tell anyone else till its ready. its not your frineds you need to worry about its their friends and their friends friends


Active Member
just a question about some of the stuff people have been saying
breakdancer awesome post you gave a lot of good info. i'm growin for the 2nd time but the first time i had to get rid of it way b4 flower cause i wasn't growing in the type of place u should be growing.
I'm now on my second grow and i'm in college so for those who went to school u kno how heavy the traffic can be coming in and out of a room. I made the mistake of telling some close friends about the grow and as time goes on i keep seeing ppl saying don't tell anyone don't tell anyone. i understand that now for the obvious reasons of ppl talking too much and also ppl trying to rush the grow (anyone ever have that friend that wants to smoke pistils?) but i guess i was wondering should I be paranoid that some of my friends know?
i would be paranoid man. if two or three friends of yours know... i can assure you that at least 15 people already know about it. you're gunna either get busted or robbed. both scenarios suck ass!!