How long how much

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
I got 4 plants there all about 3 or 4 feet tall and all have the white hairs so i gess there female, i can see somthing that looks like a small start of a bud but i really dont know if it is its right next to the white hairs, how long much longer should it take to get some bud? and around how much do you think i will get from 4 plants? thank you


Well-Known Member
oh right,

well if the action is happening around the white hairs then i'd say your on your way to gettin' some bud.

here's a pic of mine, when they first started budding. similar?


Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
ya they look just like that, they just started getting the strong smell today though, about how much longer do you think it would take to completly bud? if you know


Well-Known Member

not sure how long as i guess there's too many variables that will effect the speed of growth.

probably not long though, hopefully :D


Active Member
u in door out door how long in 12 have u been,
u got half a meter plants just in flower there gonna be big plants m8 too big tbh
u must have some good light for them 600 minium hps
/white hairs/ where did u see em u not mixing up female hairs with pistels are u
check the stems
buds kick in 4/5 weeks then continue to grow in size
week 1 of 12hour signs of pistils growth of plant stagnates 2/3 weeks pistils increase in size due to how u feed them and care for them it might be slighty different but time wise not much thats a rough guide

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
theyve been out in about 10/ to 12 hours of sunlight eversince they first started they have been outside the whole time.