How Long in a humidity dome?


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is the stats:
starting from germinated seed then placed in rock wool under 95 watt CFL fixture in a clear dome.
I would usually leave them under the dome for a week to 10 days, sometimes more.
( I am new to hydro and rock wool, I do have limited experience with soil.)

Under dome-
83 degrees and 65% humidity, light 24/7 95 watt

I have roots on the bottom of 1" square cubes in 5 days from seed using the humidity dome.

Is it a bad Idea to remove the humidity dome so soon?

I am watering with tap water then I PH'd water down to 6.5- 6.6 I add 1/4 strength Olivia's and hand water.

I have taken off Dome and started a small fan blowing at the seedlings.

Is it to early to start wind abuse with only 1 set of leaves on seedlings other than first round ones?

thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
My reasoning was no humidity dome allows me to lower the light because I have some stretching plants.
I have the light 2" over seedlings without the dome.
with Dome the light was over 10" above the seedlings.
I have read about raising the medium around the plant to help with stretching,
but in rock wool??

I have 3.5 gal black buckets with 4- 3 1/2" net pots and a large air stone with lots of air for good "transpiration of oxygen"
probably said that all wrong but all this reading and writing while buzzed, well you all know!

I will place my cubes in 3.5" net cups with expanded clay pellets below, around and on top.
I have a 400 HID to veg under, in a SOG how young can I place them in veg?
again this is starting from seedlings.

I am aware that I will have to grow these a little larger so I have 6 " net pots to accommodate
the Mom, she will get her own bucket.
as soon as I find a girl she will be the 1st Mom to start cloning to fill my 16 sites in 4 buckets.

Julius Caesar

Active Member
I only use a humidity dome for unrooted clones. I do not use one once roots have sprouted or on seedlings. IMO humidity domes are counter-productive once you have roots.