How long in a jiffy pellet before the roots will come out?


I know this will vary from plant to plant, strain to strain, but i am looking for an approximation, not a clairvoyant.

I have a seed that was in water till it cracked, then into a jiffy pellet and now it's got it's head up.
About how long before a plant will start to show its roots out the sides/bottom of the pellet?

I am growing some Exodus Cheese.


Well-Known Member
jiffy pellet and now it's got it's head up. About how long before a plant will start to show its roots out the sides/bottom of the pellet?
Maybe a day or two after it breaks the surface. Peat pots are my preferred method too. I see roots at the bottom more often than the sides. Careful with moisture though, peat pots store a lot of water and will drowned the seed. I use a spray bottle to hit all around the peat pot and a couple of squirts on the tray. Plus a humidity dome made out of a clear plastic cup to keep humidity high and moisture locked in. Heat pad or cfl tucked in close keeps the soil warm and encourages faster root growth. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I like the rapid rooter plugs better than the jiffy pellets. I did some clones and ran out of rapid rooters and use some jiffy pellets and the ones in the rapid rooters had full on roots in a 4-5 days the jiffy pellets took almost a week long to even show roots.


Whats temps should i be keeping this seedling in for the first week?

I have a few options in the house

in the grow room, which is Air Conditioned and the temp is 77f /25c with RH about 45%
in the "hot room" which is about 85f/29c with RH about 65%
in another room which is ~80f/28c with RH about 55%

What is best for seedlings?