How long is the vegatative stage outdoors?


Active Member
I live in northern arkansas and plan on growing next year in mid april just how long will the vegatative stage be as nature will determine when the plants go in to flowering because the days will get shorter
I live in northern arkansas and plan on growing next year in mid april just how long will the vegatative stage be as nature will determine when the plants go in to flowering because the days will get shorter
I believe you answered your own question. Plants outdoors will veg until the days get shorter and daylight reduces to 12 or less hours.
Well, Here's looking at you,kid...CooCoo kaju Mrs. Robinson...and no man is a failure if he has friends. P.S. Thanks for the wings-Clarence...Look Daddy...Teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings...LOL!!
You can put them out mid June they will go into flower only once beginning somewhere around Aug1st and this will give them a month of veg and the hours of darkness will usually kick them into flower late July.Artificial light can keep them out of flower if its available and make growing Monsters a breeze.You decide when they flower if you use light.It really sux to have them go into flower and then reveg.Puny stressed plants will be the result if they flower and july kicks them back into veg.