how long left of flowering?

Get a scope mag. glass and check the trichomes.Thats the best way to tell when your plants are done.Nobody will really be able to tell but the trichs.


Well-Known Member
Still hard to tell.. but yeah the Tri's are the plants way of telling you if they are ready or not.. also depends what kind of 'high' you want.. for more of a head buzz chop early or when the Tri's are cloudy.. for a couch lock type buzz cut later when Tri's are mostly amber


yh well i did plan to give them 4 more weeks just checking an yeah they started turning amber bout 2 weeks ago but there are still some white left


I would have to agree with this, I have plants at 4 weeks that look more ready than those man.

yh i agree but where do u live coz there anit much sun in the uk other wise there be beta then that but for free i cant complain :)


Well-Known Member
wot strain u got there?? if its a haze u could still have some way to go my friend, say , 5-6 weeks!!!


Nobody cant complain if its free.But yeah it looks like you are 3-4 weeks in.Still a while to go.
yeah they do look like they got a lng way to go lol prehaps i should have feed them somthink betta coz at the begin i tryed keepin them as natral as i cud but kinda regreting that now lol