How Long Now?

alright will do. how long till harvest on those do you think?

Don't know man. It's hard to tell. I've done the too much nitrogen thing myself and it can cause the plant to just keep shitting out new growth. If I were you I would start some new beans and chalk it up to a learning experience. I know everyone is high on this keep the plant green all through flowering thing, but I don't really agree with it myself... It can cause shit like this to happen if you're not careful.
I almost totally cut nitrogen in flower only feed what what flower nutes has in it which in not a lot. If you are only at 60 days then you have at least another 3-4 weeks. Does not look like it will be a very large harvest. Next time cut the nitrogen, add more light in flower and feed potash from week 1-5 of flower and post ash from week 6 until you flush. They will help withe bud development and size.
On average plants flower from around 8-10 weeks - nothing wrong with flowering for two months that's typical.
Some strains go longer. The only way to tell if you are ready to chop is by looking at the trichomes.
Trichomes are extremely tiny so you'll need a jewelers loupe, a microscope or an HD macro camera in order to see them.
Once you can, you'll be able to tell if they are clear, cloudy or amber. Many harvest with a mix of 50/50 - cloudy/amber.
It IS possible to wait too long to harvest, the trichomes produce thc that can decay if you miss prime-time.
Just do a quick google search of Trichomes and when to harvest if you still aren't sure. -Good Luck
Let me answer your question. No they are not ready. Wait until half the hairs turn brown or get a microscope and read up a bit on what ready looks like under a microscope. Personally I would not worry to much at this stage that you may have given them nutes that have too much nitrogen. Yes what the others say is true to an extent but the plant still needs it and in the end the plant is flowering and will take the nutes it needs. My gues looking at those pics go another few weeks, when you have flowered for ten weeks they should be done and make a nice smoke. So in summary, 3 ways to decide when to harvest. 1) brown hairs, 2) microscope and learn what to see under a scope or 3) stick them on 12/12, harvest after 10 weeks. -----> step 4, dry, cure SMOOOOOOKKKKKKKEEEEE :-)
You are giving them way too much nitrogen and prolonging the flowering, and reducing your yield at the same time.

Wow, some of the dumbest people ever on here. I'm out.

Whew, I'm glad he said he was leaving, because this is just bad advice. The amount or type of nutrient does not affect flowering time, or reduce yield. Cannabis is photoperiodic, which means that flowering is controlled by light and dark. Specifically, the number of nights with enough hours of darkness is what determines when they are ripe. If you are on Day 60, then they will probably be ripe sometime in the next month. Make certain that they get at least 11 hours of uninterrupted darkness every night.