how long please.............................!

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey im gonna put my 2 week old plant into flowering tmoz 12/12.
it is about 7" high and has been on 15/9 using 54w 2700k clf.
i will be using 200w clf for flowering,does anyone kno how long itl take before i start to see sex sign's?


this is also a sativa strain


Well-Known Member
sativas are slow but they should show signs areound week 3 or sooner but it could 14 to 16 weeks before its done if it is pure sativa
i dont know why you would put a 2 week plant in flowering stage if you cant even tell the sex yet dont even bother flowering it yet. for real for real

josh b

Well-Known Member
u cant tell the sex of the plant until u flower it u spastic lol,also this method proves to work very well (1 gram per watt).

josh b

Well-Known Member
i dont know why you would put a 2 week plant in flowering stage if you cant even tell the sex yet dont even bother flowering it yet. for real for real

the reason is because i wanna flower early and not much grow space so it has to be small.

and also u cant tell a plants sex until about 2 weeks into flowering,so if u dnt kno what ur goin on about?

lol thanks newayz


Well-Known Member
the two pics at the bottem...
are they male/female or..?
Those are male.

josh b yes you can tell the plants sex with out putting it into 12/12. Preflowers will show at 4-6 weeks of age. Regardless of the light cycle.