How long should a hps bulb last ?

george xxx

Active Member
What's backwards about what I posted?

Rosenthal: 860 watts per square foot is good for sativas. 430 watts per square foot is adequate for indicas and all other hybrid strains fall somewhere in between. My years of experience bear this out. You're refuting study evidence and saying sativas, which originate in temperate zones near the equator, use need light than indicas that started in the Himlayas? Post your source. Other than you if you don't mind.
Interesting thread:!:

I would not attempt to dispute the wisdom and experience of Rosenthal but this is very illogical, not practicle and nearing impossible for even experienced growers working inside under lights. 860w per sf = 750w to 1000w per plant when you figure that 1 sf is a tight space for 1 plant.

A10x10 grow room is not 10sf it is 100sf.

To configure a working application like that, a 10x10 grow room would be 86,ooo watts. And one hunderd 750w hps lamps generating 100,000 lumen each would equal 10 mllion lumen.
Yes you can get a lesser quantity of lamps with more power but where is the power coming from:?:
Watts devided by volts equals amps, so 86,000w using 110v = 781 amps
Average breaker panel will only handle 250 amps.
I don't think anyone is growing with 440 volt power:?:

I do not believe any computation of the heat that would be generated at that rate is necessary. Such power would place a room at spontainous combustion in a short time.

I'm really screwed up here or something is wrong but a 10 foot by 10 foot room is 100 square feet there is no possibility of error in that.


Ursus marijanus
I don't know why people insist on changing bulbs after 3 cycles, maybe its because they are buying cheap bulbs. 3020 hours on a bulb with a 24k hour life , you're badically throwing away a new damn bulb. I use nothing but hortilux and I'll be damned if I'm throwing out a 140 dollar bulb that's been used for 5-10 percent of its expectancy .
It's a tradeoff between the price of the bulb and the price of electricity. If juice at the margin is 25¢ a kWh, and a 1000W bulb is burning 600 hours at 80% of its rated output, that's 120 kWh lost, or $24.
That's not counting the amount of bud lost to those 200 missing watt-equivalents of growing light. The breakeven happens early in the bulb's Rated Life, which is geared toward area lighting apps for human work spaces. cn