How long should I Vegg for?


Well-Known Member
I have had 2 clones on 18/6 lighting since October 22nd, the plant has double in height and has MUCH more fans on it, how much longer should I veg it? I want the plant to be about 3 or 4 feet once it's done flowering...

mr west

Well-Known Member
what strains are they? how much room do u have? Are u growing in soil?
How tall are they now?


Well-Known Member
what strains are they? how much room do u have? Are u growing in soil?
How tall are they now?

I have about 5 feet in height and 4 feet wide by 4 feet deep. They are going in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil w/ the Fox Farm Fertilizer. They are "Bubble Gum" Clones and about 1 foot tall from the top of the soil to the top of the plant...

mr west

Well-Known Member
well ive grown bubblelicious from nirvana. I vegged 1 of them for 3 weeks and it grew in to a monster 5foot+ when i puyt it into flower


Well-Known Member
alright, I got mine and it stood 6 inches after I planted it, now it has EASILY doubled in size, should I endue flowering soon? Keep in mined that I have been VEGGING for 3 weeks and I got it as a clone....


Well-Known Member
if u want 3 foot total when done you need to start 12/12 at 1ft. plants will generallly triple in size in flower


Well-Known Member
okay when people say double in size what does it mean? i mean for example if i have a 1 footer then doubling in size would be 2 feet at the end OR would it be 3 feet. 1foot+1foot=2 or 1 foot plus 2 feet =3feet?

mr west

Well-Known Member
its really hard to tell, every strain is difrent. a 1 foot plant could easlily go to 5 foot in flower and also it could stay low ish at 3. Its really a case of do it and see


Well-Known Member
Well it's going on the 3rd week, should I just Vegg it for 4 weeks so it's a little over a foot but under 1 1/2 or should I start flowering now?


Well-Known Member
if you flower now, it should be another two weeks before they show sex.
i would flower now, but it's up to you.