how long till bud


i have little white hairs all over my plant how long should i wate until i cut the buds off. also it is starting to get cold at nights. what should do with my plant


Active Member
i dont have much growing experiance so im not sure, time will tell so just let them do there thing, i brought outdoor plants inside just to find white jumping bugs a week later so i binned the lot

my advice to you dont risk bringing them inside and let them do their thing outside


Active Member
The cold will turn the plants purple, but shouldn't hurt them till it gets real cold.
If anything, and you cant move them inside, just check on them every day or 2 and if they start to look bad cut em...


aww i thought that met it was some good weed or something lol my other plant is like dark purple. thanx tho


sry one more question i cant really bring my plant in to dry because it would smell so when i do im going to put it in a fort out back. so what will happen if the temp is kind of cold? will it still be smoke able or could it grow mold?