How long till chop?


Well-Known Member
hello folks, this plants been flowering about 49 days. it is a hermi. ive been feeding it flowering nutes and molases. how long do you guys think i have left. gonna flush tommorow i think. letting tap water sit out now for it. any advice on finishing up is welcome.

pics yo,



Well-Known Member
those are the prettiest buds ive ever seen.
and 49 seems a bit early, most strains go for 2 months, unless what you got is early finishing...
most of the hairs look white, so give it some time until most of them are brown.80%
nice buds,,,,really!!


Well-Known Member
so its now day 59, pistols are about 60% brown. 80% of the trichs are at good and cloudy. the lights went off about 8 hours ago. and they are gonna stay off till i chop. gonna chop when i wake up tommorow. probably in about 16 hours or so. will be right at 3 months from seed and 2 months flowering. gonna try the long dark period before chop. wish i had 2 plants so i could have a real experiment with it.

here are the 4 latest and last pics before chop.

i am also aware i could maybe go a little longer but the plant looks a bit different in person and the lights make the pistols look a hair lighter on my phone. and im ready to kill this thing and start prepping my next grow.




Well-Known Member
imho you should wait another week or so. sure you could chop now and get pretty much the same yield, but i find bud harvested a little later makes for a much more potent effective high. patience will be rewarded. Happy farming.