how long till flower?


Well-Known Member
Are you planning on keeping it outside the whole grow or are you going to move it indoors. If you leave it outside it probably won't start flowering until the end of summer when the days get shorter to harvest in the fall. If you move it indoors then you can flower it when ever you want to. Just switch your light to be on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours, it will start to flower shortly after you switch the light schedule.


Well-Known Member
Covering them can create a lot of problems. Heat has to be one of them. A plant covered during the day? I would suggest changing your plans on this one.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight, once u give plants a 12/12 light schedule they begin to flower?
Cause my first (and best) plant is about the size of my finger and just producing leaves atm, there aboout 1.5 cm each, and new leaves are coming. so my question is when should i start giving it the 12/12 treatment, atm its just getting whatever light i can give it its living inside at night and i put it outside when things start to get a little warmer.
Btw he's almost 2 weeks old, and i live in the southern hemisphere so its just starting spring over here.


Active Member
you want them to get bigger cuz it is way too young (jailbait) so gime it as much light as you can for bout 3-4 weeks longer then you can make the decision to keep it growin o put it on 12/12. word:|


Well-Known Member
Cheers nugs
my little dude is now big and my big dude is now the little one :)
Whats the best way to get 12/12 when growing outdoors?