How long until harvest?


Well-Known Member
So, I'd really like to start feeding my plant with the Gravity I bought the other day...but it says to wait until the final 3 weeks of flowering.

I followed someone elses grow log that grew from the same seeds, same mother plant as me (we got our seeds from the same person)...according to his log, my plant should be done next week. That, is NOT going to happen. Only 3 or 4 of the white hairs on my plant have turned orange...

So, based on that...can anyone give me even a rough estimate as to how much longer it will be? I WAS planning on starting to feed with Gravity today (for 2 consecutive feedings, then not again) but I dunno how many weeks I have left here.

I'd say less than 5%...or, maybe 5% of the hairs on my plant have turned orange. I don't really have any kind of magnifier, so I can't check out the trichs...and I'm really, really broke, so I can't get one.

Edit: OK, so I just bought a jewelers loupe 30x on ebay...but still, thats gonna take a while yet...
You should have been logging your plants days, and when you initiated flowering.. With Gravity you know to cut your regular nutes in half and raise your light a good 6-8 inches, right?

Some pictures would really help out in trying to estimate how much of a flowering period you have left.


Well-Known Member
yea dude get the magnifier and check your trichs, but if yuo wanna go by the pistils, i`d say they`ll be ready when more then half, maybe 3/4th of the hairs are orange, beafore i hade a magnifier i would go by when all the hairs on a plant were almost 3/4th or 3/4th orange. but you can`t really go by this %100. I have hade plant that all the hairs were orange and was still not all the way ready.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I fed it the gravity anyway...hopefully that wasn't a huge fuckup haha.

And yeah. I raised the lights and actually ONLY fed with the gravity, at half strength. Next time when I have more plants I'll experiment with it better.