How long until you put them in the flower stage?


Well-Known Member
That's strictly a judgment call on your part. If you're going for speed, flower now. But the longer you wait, the bigger the plant, more bud, etc. If space allows it, most here would probably recommend keeping it in veg for awhile longer. Up to you. How long have they been vegging? Any pics?


Well-Known Member
You can put them into 12/12 anytime. The longer you wait, the more weight (you SHOULD reap)


ya man most plants mature at 30 days, some i heard longer but i think you'll be fine. Any preflowers yet? anyway to let you know i am a newbie as well, but did so much reading i feel like i know a whole lot. My planties are 32 days and gonna flower on thursday after i take my clones


grow space

Well-Known Member
you can do it on 16th day of vegg or even after 3 months-its up to you, and also consider this -what kind of lights are u using-if cfls-short vegg and lots of 12-12 and so.....
i am using some cheap lights for now but i am going to get a all spectum light for them. I have them in a 7 gallon and it seem like they love the all of the space lol