how long will cocaine stay in you system for a urine drug test.

If you feel like you're going to fail a drug test, Unless it is court ordered buy Quickfix or use someone with clean piss. There is no reason you should fail a urinalysis when it easy as hell to pass. If its court ordered your fucked cause they watch you piss.
I did almost half a gram Saturday and am getting tested Wednesday unexpected.I am 6'1" 250 pounds,And do drugs rarely.I'm not sure but they might send it to a lab.I would like tips on how to get clean faster or anything that could help.Thank you.+ Rep to everybody helpful.
3 days for that stuff or pills ect if you dont use all the time
3 days for that stuff or pills ect if you dont use all the time
Like I said above 3 days is an estimate not an absolute. If you did really good shit or a good amount of it then it could easily be in your system 5 days later in a lab test.
Like I said above 3 days is an estimate not an absolute. If you did really good shit or a good amount of it then it could easily be in your system 5 days later in a lab test.
This is the US not Columbia no good shit here haha jk
This is the US not Columbia no good shit here haha jk
Not very often but every one or two years some really pure would come around. I dont do it anymore cause it's really not worth it unless it is really good and that is rare. You know it's good when you can do a little inch long line and be good for four hours compared to the normal shit that goes around where you can do half gram lines and need more 15 mins later.
Not very often but every one or two years some really pure would come around. I dont do it anymore cause it's really not worth it unless it is really good and that is rare. You know it's good when you can do a little inch long line and be good for four hours compared to the normal shit that goes around where you can do half gram lines and need more 15 mins
Hello everyone I’m tripping hella bad rn. Need some answers. I did some coke on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday probably not equal to half a gram but that’s the max amount it could possibly be. I took a urine test this morning (Thursday) for school and that’s 4 days am I good?
If it's a lab test than most likely not. Doing it spread out over 3 days hurts you worse than doing it all at one time. You might get lucky but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Just being 100% honest.
I've done a quarter oz on thurs/Fri n pissed clean Monday before....48-72 hrs tops...i used cocaine for 20yrs...same for Heroin
Hello everyone I’m tripping hella bad rn. Need some answers. I did some coke on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday probably not equal to half a gram but that’s the max amount it could possibly be. I took a urine test this morning (Thursday) for school and that’s 4 days am I good?
Ur good...if ur sayin u didn't even do a half g total spread out over those days...n the last day was Saturday n u dropped Thursday...ur good...word...u prolly was good 24 hrs later... cocaine n heroin water soluble n leave the urine n blood very my experience anyway...cokes wack tho bro stay away from that shit all u doin is chasin that feelin the first line gave u n you'll never catch it I promise...I spent 20yrs n prolly a million+ dollars tryin to life n lifestyle n hustle n $$ all revolved around that scene for a long long time...
I've done a quarter oz on thurs/Fri n pissed clean Monday before....48-72 hrs tops...i used cocaine for 20yrs...same for Heroin

That's just bad information, it's no way you would pass a legitimate lab test after that. I failed one 6 days after doing a half a g. But then again it was good raw coke. If you did a 1/4oz of cut I'm sure you could pass a test the next day.

The only good part of that post was that coke is wack and should be stayed away from. Stick to natural substances, they were put on the earth for a reason.