how long will it take from seeds??? wanna start fresh!!!


Well-Known Member
k so im done with this strain and wanna start a fresh perpetual grow... i wll be buyin 10 seeds and wanting to flower 25 every 2 weeks(so need bout 35-40 cuttings each time incase sum dont root and to pick the beter 1s of the bunch)....

i have 8 mums of my old strain that i want to flower off.. i wanna perpetuate these moms and have my new strain ready to continue.... how long will it take my new strain (10 seeds, planted today) to produce my figures??? (or at least close so i can start and catch up later) i want to start flowering my mom in a timely oreder to keep the perptual goin from my old strain to new 1 with no stop???


Well-Known Member
You didnt say what strain it was. They have different flowering times. Some as short as six weeks, some as long as 15 weeks. Add your veg time(also different according to strain and how big you want your plant) to the flower time and you will have your answer. Also, you didnt say what kind of system you are using, what kind of lights, what kind of nutes. How could you expect anyone to answer if you dodnt give any info?


Well-Known Member
You didnt say what strain it was. They have different flowering times. Some as short as six weeks, some as long as 15 weeks. Add your veg time(also different according to strain and how big you want your plant) to the flower time and you will have your answer. Also, you didnt say what kind of system you are using, what kind of lights, what kind of nutes. How could you expect anyone to answer if you dodnt give any info?
He doesnt have to veg. He can just put those clones straight into 12/12


Well-Known Member
thnx sandman for a resonabletime frame... so bout 2-3 mnths to have my seeds cloned and into flower + flowering weeks???


Well-Known Member
You didnt say what strain it was. They have different flowering times. Some as short as six weeks, some as long as 15 weeks. Add your veg time(also different according to strain and how big you want your plant) to the flower time and you will have your answer. Also, you didnt say what kind of system you are using, what kind of lights, what kind of nutes. How could you expect anyone to answer if you dodnt give any info?
sry, i was lookin for a ruff idea... really, the only varible in ur answer that is even relavent to my question is my lights... which is 1k HPS for 12hrs and 400MH for 6hrs... i will be moving the new strain from my flower room (1k hps) to the 400w veg room for the remaining 6 hrs, daily... the strain really has nuthing to do with my question either... sure sum grow faster then others but what ev... im jus askin for a ruff estimate time... i didnt ask how long till i can smoke the new strain, there for the flowering time has nuthing to do with it either... i asked how long till i can pull off 30-40 clones off these 10 seeds every 2 weeks.. as for nutes, ya im using them... u probly nvr heard of them tho so it doesnt really matter either... i jus have nvr grown from a seed, only clones so i have no idea how long it will take b4 i can even clone it....


Well-Known Member
Sorry for trying to help.
its all good... im lazy and didnt really feel like typin all that info when really, its all erelavent except my lights anyways... i jus dont like hearing "how is any1 gonna answer u without these details"... but all in all, its better that u replyed rather then not ... thnx anyways, gl!