how long will they keep growing


Active Member
hello i am currently growing 9 dwc plants. and they are currently in the 3rd week of flowering and seem to be doing alright with the exception that they keep growing up. Right now they are between 4-5 feet and im out of room so i tied them over which worked for the main cola, but now the side branches keep growing into my light(2 400 w HPS) and they are getting heat stress luckly it is only the side branch the rest of the plant seems to be doing fine. But I dont know they will stay that way if they dont stop growing please help thank you.


Active Member
i am already at 1/2 nuts and im just worried that since they are so big and have flowers everywhere the putting less in it will kill them....i guess with this being my first grow i worry to much


Active Member
lol my plants took off during flowering and are between 4-5 not including the pots so basically they are the heigth of my grow room so they are way close to my lights. i have been able to tie down the colas and started tieing down the side branches but more keep going into my light every day and those branches are getting heat stress and turning yellow first since it is only like 1 or 2 side branches from each plant is that going to effect the rest of the plant or just growth on that branch


Well-Known Member
i know for a fact that it will stunt the growth of the tree for a wile but will still grow decently enuff due to ur restrictions


Well-Known Member
Wow see what you mean man you didnt say you have a fuckin jungle in there. Other than tieing the plants down. I see you have tried. you cab actually bend the branch untll it kinks. the branch will bend away from the light. Dont worry it will recover alot and be even stronger. I will try to find a link for you