How long ya think *pics*


Active Member
helo people ive been flowering for about 10 weeks and its taking a long time ne guesses the buds seemd to have stocked up in the last week tho, i dnt have much leaves left so i must b close? or a n deficiency ? i dont have a scope but the trichomes look clear not milky

one more question when you harvest can you harvest different branches at different times? or does it affect the plant

thanks :joint:



Active Member
I cant really see because there is no clear picture.. How much % of the calyxes are swollen?

And yes you can and should harvest at different times to see which high suits you most and because the top parts will be ready earlier then the lower parts.

Illegal Smile

You need to examine the trichs with magnification. It does look like it is getting ripe from those pics, but looking at trichs is the best way.


Active Member
you can use a digital camera take a real good picture of the trich then load onto your computer and zoom from there


Active Member
uh ill try n take a better pic, pretty much half the plant basically the top has swollen and the sides but hasnt swollen that much would it bulk out within the last few weeks or last week? tho middle and most of the lower buds have not swollen much... i tried to use a scope but it wasnt that good from wat i could tell about 30% were amber and 70% milky

plus i dont have much if at all any fan leaves left

but aight sweet ill giv it a try thanks guys


those look real close!!! u can chop now if u wanted/needed to. otherwise a good rule of thumb is if it looks ready wait a week. i think those can even go 2 more weeks.


Active Member
i would like to but will i lose much weight if didnt leave it for another week or so ?

these are the best pics of trichs i could get not very clear but id still say pretty milky but a fair few amber & i seem to see heaps of clear ones still is that normal? i was thinking of harvesting the top half first on the weeknd and leave the rest for a week or 2 to stock up on the lower buds.



Active Member
i would wait another week, and then cut it. why? the THC is already clouding, if u wait another week take a look again with ur scope. then you can judge

peace bro


Active Member
hmm aight, but does anyone no the reason why the little bud leaves are hard & crispy but slowly dying is that normal or am i maybe its coz i am going over time here?



Active Member
If they hard and crispy then you should harvest man! That's a sign the plant is starting to die and you over going.


Active Member
ya already scoped it owt most of the top buds were ready, n basically one whole plant chopped that hoe down will put pics up ina day or so ov the harvest.

im worried about my other plant it had spidermites whitch i got rid of but they left alot of white dots on the bud leaves, is that bad or were they just feeding and it wnt hurt my buds in the end?
Very nice yea my guess within 7-10 days... not sure without being there ..and yea you can harvest a few tester buds ...that are on top ...that way buds under get more light ect....


Active Member
thanks action1977usa lol yah allredy done that, guna wait till the rest ripen up but anyone now anything bad about these white dots??? stupid mites