How long?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I soak my seeds in a 25% Humic Acid Solution over night, then plant directly into the media in the final pot that they will grow in. That said, and Using that method, How long would you wait on a seed to break the surface of the soil before you give up and call that seed a Dud? Lots of conflicting Info on google on how long it can take Max for a see to break the surface, they were only planted between 1/4 and 1/8 inch deep.
Like google says anywhere from 4 days to 14 days depending on what you look at. So just unsure how long to give it before I throw in the towel on the two that are not sprouted yet?
personally Id give up after a week.
I like the soak paper towel method for this very reason you know before they go in the media.
Never had much luck with the paper towel method personally, at least on other seeds to be honest. The ones that i did get a root from that way ususally ended up breaking trying to get the seed off the paper towel.
cannabis seeds in my experience usually open between 24-36 hours in wet towel. some people wait longer but i stick em in the coco as soon as I see em open. couple days later they'll be breaking ground.
Hey bro, what is the longest you had one go before it sprouted?

I don't plant until a taproot sprouts inside a towel. Longest I've gone for that to happen is 36 hours, but I buy my seeds direct from the breeder and they're very viable. I think if you're using the shot glass method, you should soak until the seed cracks before planting.

In this situation here and taking into consideration your limited amount of seeds, I'd wait at least two weeks while starting a new one after a week.
I don't plant until a taproot sprouts inside a towel. Longest I've gone for that to happen is 36 hours, but I buy my seeds direct from the breeder and they're very viable. I think if you're using the shot glass method, you should soak until the seed cracks before planting.

In this situation here and taking into consideration your limited amount of seeds, I'd wait at least two weeks while starting a new one after a week.
Awesome thanks Bro!
I've had seed go missing in the substrate and pop up weeks later as a secondary plant. As stated, wait until the tap root is exposed in the shot glass before planting. If the taproot doesn't pop out after 3 days, crack the seed in between your two front teeth and bottom row (bite down on the pointy side until you hear it crack) and plant in substrate. <--- might as well try this if you are going to call it a dud and discard ~ nothing to lose.