how long?


Well-Known Member
you can start flowering whenever
if you veg longer, your yield will increase
if you let the plant go another couple weeks you should get maybe an oz & 1/2 (just a guess)
if you start flowering now, you might get 3/4 to 1 oz (again, guessing)
plant looks nice and will grow during flowe
good luck, cheers


Active Member
as long as space is not a concern vegg as long as you can then flower plants will get about 3 times thier hight in flower from what i have seen and read


Well-Known Member
it would be pointless to start flowering now in my opinion the plant doesnt look mature enuff yet ,so by cutting down its lighthours would just be prolonging your harverst , id veg maybe another 10-14 days


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it has preflowers? It doesn't look like it is even growing altrnate nodes yet.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be blunt, but all you guys are giving advice to a guy who obviously doesn't know how to grow good weed.
You have a female there, but she needs some serious work doing if you hope to get anything decent off her.

For starters, what lights are you using? Looks like you've had that thing under a glow worms arse (ass to you Americans).
What light schedule do you have her on?
What soil is she in?

You will be able to get buds off her, but knowing the above will help us steer you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
My friend had 2 get rid of it,He gave me some bullshit light,,,, Im Gettin a new light 2 morrow.What do u reccommend


Well-Known Member
My friend had 2 get rid of it,He gave me some bullshit light,,,, Im Gettin a new light 2 morrow.What do u reccommend
If you have the money, get yourself a decent HPS (High pressure sodium).
Anything from 250w to 1000w, the bigger the better.
If you start getting 400W + you have to start thinking about cooling too.
You should read the grow faq before you grow anything. At least get the basics down or you are just wasting time and money.

If you can't afford a HPS, get a decent CFL. I use 200w envirolite for vegging and a 400w HPS for flowering. You will need different colour spectrums for veg and flower but a single HPS will do for an entire grow.

Grow faq lighting

I have grow journals in my sig that will also help you step by step.