How low can we go??? TEMP Questiion


Well-Known Member
Getting wild temp fluctuations in my area. Highs in the 90s and lows around 50. how low can it get before it hurts my girls? I am about 6 weeks in flower.


Active Member
Outdoors, they can endure 40F at night even a frost occasionally - but they have the help of the ground retaining the day temp. There isn't really anything you can do about it, except shade them partially during the day


Active Member
yea not good for the plants but iv grown when it dropped to 20's for a week and they pushed through fine....they call it weed for a reason
thats a BIG difference in temp, the 90 is completly ok but not sure about around 50s, cuz the ideal temp for marijuana in a stressless envioment is from 85 -65
but outdoor plants tend to alot more stronger so i doubt you have any thing to worry about


Well-Known Member
yea not good for the plants but iv grown when it dropped to 20's for a week and they pushed through fine....they call it weed for a reason
Word up , right now my plants are 4 weeks into budding and at night it gets mid 30's
Plants have slowed down a bit but are still growing healthy and showing healthy signs.


Active Member
The bigger the plant, the better it should be able to tolerate lower temperatures.

From asking a bunch of questions myself, I have concluded that as long as the plants do not experience long periods of low temperatures and the ground does not freeze, your plants should be fine although they may slow down in growth. If you do get freezing temperatures in your area, you can help protect the plants by wrapping their main stalk and the ground with something to hold in the heat. If you have access to electricity, you can plug in a small space heater or run a 100W incandescent in the lower branches of the plant to help keep the ground and stalk warm.

Once you get your first hard frost you should take a look at your plant. If the sun leaves (the big fan leaves) are looking wilty and watery, then you are done. You should go ahead and harvest. If your preventative measures kept the plant from going into shock, and the temps are back within the acceptable range, then you can leave the plant out for a bit longer.

Hope this helped!


Well-Known Member
If you have access to electricity, you can plug in a small space heater or run a 100W incandescent in the lower branches of the plant to help keep the ground and stalk warm.
If you use the light bulb for heat, you're gonna want to wrap it in tin foil to prevent light from escaping if it's going to be near a flowering plant.