How LSD Changed Me

Cop: "What you are saying you just did isn't even possible."

^i think u meant "what you did isn't even possible"

Friend: "I wonder what he did."
Another Friend: "I wonder what he told them he did."
^and that's just corny. Sorry no offense. I love you :)

That's really odd how you want to make corrections about what that cop actually said. I literally told a cop exactly what I did and he didn't believe it was possible. So he came up with his own version of how things happened when he wasn't even there. You seem to want to do the same as the cop.
Just as I suspected, Google did not work. :lol:

i wanna try pops says it was the "beaster" of the 70s tho..the gold and red was better,people got oxaxacan if it was the only choice..larfy buds he said...idk,but i still wanna try inner sat hound is barking!
We used to get it here in Los Angeles back in '77
and it came as 2'-3' long spheres in brown paper bags
and was potent!
We'll u didn't smoke it then. And u def didn't feel it any faster.. Like u claim

I'm tired of people with reading comprehension skills. I never claimed to feel it faster, it was quite the opposite. It was laced, maybe my asshole friend thought it would be funny, maybe it wasn't the joint, maybe he dosed me another way.

All I know we got high while camping, a little later on I was tripping.

Maybe the story should have read different. I was dosed somehow without my knowledge.
It was a fun trip.