how many 1000's

not sure, but I do know that an 8" vortex fan will cool 4 1k's to the point that heat is only felt at about 4 inches below the light. But I think that the type of hood and fan as well as your filter and the way your ducting is layed out( e.g. right angles slow air down) will all factor in. To be safe I would allow 200 cfm per light.


Well-Known Member
A little more info might help you get some more responses!

- How many CFM's are the fans you're looking at? The CFM of your fan is an important factor to consider as it can differ from fan to fan even if they're the same diameter. Obviously a low CFM 6" fan would be far less effective than a high CFM 6" fan
- Are they metal halide or high pressure sodium lights? MH and HPS lights also produce different amounts of heat adding yet another factor to keep in mind when choosing the number of fans you'll need.
- How big is your grow area? Important to know so you can figure out how much heat you're going to have to disperse.


Active Member
Im runnin 2000w @ 1000w a peice. One CMH and one HPS Hortilux. I have a 6inch Vortex Fan(suction) and leave the window open at night to get cold air into the room and hoods. Im useing Sun System hoods with tempered glass. I also use light spreaders. I have to say, my room is top notch and it still only gets to 75 on the coldest nights. Thats with the hoods 2 feet away from the babies and temp probe in between. My average temp at night when the lights are on, is 78.

P.S. I have my fan connected with hard pipe and hardpipe elbows. I sealed up all hardpipe and am useing a whyee so I get cool air through both hoods. Try not to cool one with the other. Peace,SS