How many auto plants can I fit in a two room house

My realistic target is 8-10 keys is that possible

Have you ever grown ANYTHING before?

Not cannabis but anything at all?

strawberries? Tomatoes? Geraniums? Marigolds? Sunflowers?

If you can’t even be bothered to measure rooms in your “average” British house how on earth are you going to work out everything you need to do in order to sustain this kind of operation?

As @speedwell68 has said you realise if you’re over 9 plants (approx) that they’re gonna charge you with intent to supply along with industrial cultivation.

I got done for 4 plants and got a caution back in 2012.
How many plants could ya grow in an average shitty house?

Assuming 1500w per circut, 2 rooms… maybe 40 waist high plants? Maybe 2 oz per plant. That would be with running extension cords from other circuits in the house though for load safety.
How many plants could ya grow in an average shitty house?

Assuming 1500w per circut, 2 rooms… maybe 40 waist high plants? Maybe 2 oz per plant.

Circuits in the U.K. don’t really matter as we use horticultural lighting contactor relays so can switch as many lights as you can think of at the same time from one double gang electrical outlet.
Circuits in the U.K. don’t really matter as we use horticultural lighting contactor relays so can switch as many lights as you can think of at the same time from one double gang electrical outlet.
Doesn't UK use higher voltage, lower current circuits?
As @speedwell68 has said you realise if you’re over 9 plants (approx) that they’re gonna charge you with intent to supply along with industrial cultivation.

I got done for 4 plants and got a caution back in 2012.

My mate got caught with 64 plants over 2 locations. They couldn't prove supply. He got 1 year of probation, a fine and an order to pay the court costs.How he didn't get done I will never know. I have 8 plants.

Obviously my mate was selling it, wholesale. What got him caught was his lifestyle. He had no job, yet could afford a vintage 1951 VW camper, a Porsche 356 and a brand new car every 3 years. He would swank around in designer gear. He collected Adidas trainers, he was the Imelda Marcos of trainers. His crowning glory was spunking 4 figures on the Adidas leather tracksuits and trainers that were worn by Run DMC in one of their videos and then bragging about it on Faceache. We are talking about a small seaside village in the Westcountry here, the type of place where everyone knows everyone else and their business, it is also the type of place where people generally don't have a lot of disposable income. Basically, he was rubbing people's noses in it and got dobbed in because of it.
What if I read all the guides and did them step by steps
There's really only 1 "guide"'s the plant itself. It's another language that you're going to have to learn first.

Don't look for the easy way, there isn't one.

Some guys might get lucky their first time.

Most don't.
My mate got caught with 64 plants over 2 locations. They couldn't prove supply. He got 1 year of probation, a fine and an order to pay the court costs.How he didn't get done I will never know. I have 8 plants.

Obviously my mate was selling it, wholesale. What got him caught was his lifestyle. He had no job, yet could afford a vintage 1951 VW camper, a Porsche 356 and a brand new car every 3 years. He would swank around in designer gear. He collected Adidas trainers, he was the Imelda Marcos of trainers. His crowning glory was spunking 4 figures on the Adidas leather tracksuits and trainers that were worn by Run DMC in one of their videos and then bragging about it on Faceache. We are talking about a small seaside village in the Westcountry here, the type of place where everyone knows everyone else and their business, it is also the type of place where people generally don't have a lot of disposable income. Basically, he was rubbing people's noses in it and got dobbed in because of it.
Dude sounds like a fuggin snitch
Dude sounds like a fuggin snitch

No, just a massive bellend, he isn't clever enough to be a snitch.

He just likes to be the big "I am". I know him from the local Volkswagen club. As soon as he worked out I smoked he was offering me cheap weed and giving me a guided tour of his grows, he has no idea I grow. Like I said the whole town knows what he is up to and he is back to poncing money about. For example, he has just spent £15,000 on a fancy engine for his VW, I was told this by the local VW parts specialist, who also knows full well how this guy earns his money.
No, just a massive bellend, he isn't clever enough to be a snitch.

He just likes to be the big "I am". I know him from the local Volkswagen club. As soon as he worked out I smoked he was offering me cheap weed and giving me a guided tour of his grows, he has no idea I grow. Like I said the whole town knows what he is up to and he is back to poncing money about. For example, he has just spent £15,000 on a fancy engine for his VW, I was told this by the local VW parts specialist, who also knows full well how this guy earns his money.
Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not real good with foreign language.

I'm guessing a bellend = a dumbass?
And poncing = foolishly throwing?