How many CFLS for 6 plants???


Active Member
Hey, im new to RIU but have been doing alot of reading and im considering and grow inside in a 8x4x7 foot room. how many CFLS and of what wattage would i need for 6 plants? thanks


Well-Known Member
for 6 plants in a room that big you should just go hps. it's more efficient with less heat compared to cfl's in the numbers that you'll need for 6 plants. but to (kind of) answer your question, i have 5 cfl's on my 2 plants, and i think its recommended about 3 per plant.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Freddy. Six plants is a lot to try to grow under cfls.

I would recommend trying 4 x 42W per plant as a baseline.


Active Member
thanks guys, im just a lil tight on cash and dont know if i can afford a hps light at the moment. what would a 600-1000w one run me?


Active Member
ya there is a link to get a 150 watt hps for 20$ if you go back to the indoor growing thread. then just use a few cfl to suplement around the midsection of the plants. I just ordered one, i have 4 42 watt cfls and a couple 26 watt cfls for 8 plants(planning on havin 3-4 females once they show sex...), and realized if i want some thick buds i would have to buy more cfls which are 8-9$ a piece, or i can just get it over with and buy that hps for 20 bucks and place the cfls i already have around the side of the plants to help keep stretching under control


Well-Known Member
shit...get 5 to start for seedlings.....once they get bigger try to sexx em.... get rid of the mails.... and then get more depending on how manty females you have...


Active Member
yea, ive seen that link. its a pretty sweet deal but im paranoid when it comes to ordering shit off line. thats why i was thinking to use cfls because i can buy those anywhere, i may have to do some re thinking and consider going with ordering online...hmm


Active Member
then the females you have would be like 3 wks ahead of the rest if you added more... unless you are talkin about clones which would still take a while to catch on


Active Member
ya i dunno lol, i just feel like if the police or whoever follows up on every person who orders a light they wouldnt have time to eat donuts


Active Member
and plus its not like they would go through the trouble to get a search warrant(even if ordering a light allowed them to, which it doesnt) every time they stumble upon this type of shit


Well-Known Member
yea, ive seen that link. its a pretty sweet deal but im paranoid when it comes to ordering shit off line. thats why i was thinking to use cfls because i can buy those anywhere, i may have to do some re thinking and consider going with ordering online...hmm
there is nothing illegal about buying/selling/owning lights. if the cops tried to get a warrant based on that, the judge would laugh them out of court.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing illegal about buying/selling/owning lights. if the cops tried to get a warrant based on that, the judge would laugh them out of court.
for real guy....your a paranoid mess.... nobody is ganna do anything.....i bought my seeds, lights, and everything else with my credit not a major distibutor....but if your gonna start a new weed chain...maybe then....