How many CFL's for flowering


Well-Known Member
My grow cab is roughly 3' x 3' x 6' I'm using a 400w Halide to grow i will be adding Warm Cfl's when i flower, but which ones and how many and are these the right type? (see sig if more info needed)

2700K very warm white

11W lamp (630 lumens)
15W Lamp (900 lumens)
20W lamp (1200 lumens)
23 Watt (1500 lumens)
30 Watt (1900 lumens)


josh b

Well-Known Member
im using 2 11w warm clf,s but they r really warm with air going its going ok in my flowering just use the 30w


Well-Known Member
To get better results...use 42W cfl's.

Those whimpy 11W bulbs are shit...dump em and get bigger ones...even better is get a couple 2' or 4' shoplights and buy the 5000K tubes.


Well-Known Member
I am currently flowering two plants in a small cab, about 3.5 weeks in. I am using two 42w, six 26w, and a 4' tube fluoro with two 40w bulbs. I was surprised at the heat. The plants love the light, you just have to be creative keeping them cool.


Well-Known Member
I have heat problems already with my 400 MH!! In a week its flowering time..I now have a 150 watt HPS so going to remove the MH and switch to Hps with some CFLs. I wll see if i can get some tubes first but failing that will go with 6 42w cflx

Thanks for the advice.