oh, really? he wrote it? really?
care to show us a reputable resource link stating this? i would b very interested in seeing it.
wow, constantine wrote 2/3 of the new testament... </rolling eyes>
Um, like what for example. I dont think Ive read any books of antiquity.
I suppose if you need the proof you can check into the darkside first. It's not like I could take pic's or even convey with any words how its proven that satan exists. But if you dabble in the dark side you will see that true evil exists. If you won't leave the faults of christianity alone then try the opposite. Either way I cant force or make you believe, but i have shared my personal experience how I found christ. I was at the bottom of the barrel, I don't even go to church much but my life has certainly turned around from the little scum bag i used to be because of my beliefs. That is my personal testimony take it or leave it but it's my reality.ok, how exactly has it been proven to you demons exist. And why does that make you believe in jesus? why not mohhammed. Why not krishna.
I was raised as a protestant, but as I grew older and developed critical thinking skills, I saw through it.
Ok maybe I missed something? You said that the person who wrote 2/3 of the new testament was a murderer, NG responded to that comment by saying constantine never really converted, so I assumed constantine is who you were talking about.
i know who & what i'm talking about. do u?
To support which statement?
Couldn't agree more. Great post.Im a Christian myself. I do my very best to live what I consider a clean life. BTW...as much as I LOVE this site...there are some seriously angry people on it...my goodness...god bless each and every one of you folks...especially the hateful...![]()
Well i will tell you a little hind sight in my beliefs. I used to be a evil little fucker. It started out with simple little things like withcraft and tarrot cards. Moved up to the quija board and the satans bible. finally the necronomicon. It has been proven to me that the devil and his demons absolutley exist. Luckily for me the other side came through and I was saved by the wholy spirit of the lord and if you have never felt it then you prob would think it's hokey. but let me tell you. Give it the odd ball shot. Say a prayer and pick up a james king bible and see if the spirit doesnt change your life. And if you say I haven and its bullshit, I ask you to try it again and do it with a prayer and a open mind. It will be diff this time.
Not by itself for a lot, but at that young age it led to escalation for me. I wanted to see more.Uh....I'd just like to point out...witchcraft and tarot cards are not "evil."Nor is the ouija board. ( the ouija board is just your subconcious at work) Many "witches" are nature worshippers.In fact, Christianity stole all of its holidays from the pagans.