How many clones from a mother plant aged 4-6 weeks??????


Well-Known Member
Hi all i have just finished my 1st grow with some good results as shown in my diary, ended up with 300g's from 6 plants, not bad but anyways this is done......

My question is i am going to start a perpetual harvest flowering straight from clone with 4 flood tables......

Im gonna have a seperate flood table for about 10 mothers and my question is with 10 plants about 4-5 weeks old in veg, how many decent clones do you think i could pull from each plant.......

Ive never done cloning and i want to take about 20 cloes which is 2 per plant, but do you guys reckon i could take 3-4 clones per plant just so if some die i have some 3-4 clones per plant a lot or do they give a lot more.....

Comments and opinions would be welcome please, thanks



Well-Known Member
pics will get us a better idea...but you should be able to take off way more than 3-4 clones.....with most of my mothers i take 10-20 at a time:)