How many clones?


Active Member
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to how many clones I could harvest a month off 6 bubble bucket mothers under a 600w on a light mover with a 4x3 footprint?


Well, you can take cuttings safely around 2 times a month from a mother if your are taking more than 10, but if she is over 18" I would estimate (gven the planst are not stretched and are taken care of) you could get about 5 per plant 2 times a month on the safe side.


I tend to cut plants up pretty good so 10 per plant a month is pretty low for my standards. But I know how to care for then and gain the stuff back!
like underoath said if you know what you are doing and get the plant back to being healty before more clones are takin, if you not sure, i wouldn't take more than 5 a month

untill youre sure you know how the plant reacts and you can get it healthy enough again for more


Cool - thanks. What are your higher standards when actively working to keep em healthy and growing?
Well I have a 1000w Sun Master Cool Deluxe Lamp in a XXXL Magnum Hood dedicated to every 4 mothers, I also have a synchronized feeding regiment at 1550 ppm for one week after taking the cuttings, then I increase to 1800 ppm for a single feeding and continue at 1400 ppm normal feeding. I mist them 6 or so times a day and keep their humidity at 60% for the first week after taking cuttings to help them rejuvenate with minimal energy loss.

I also give them continual 24 hour light.

As far as the cuttings, well I can get generally 20 to 30 every time 2 sometimes 3x a month. The mothers are mature at approx 6 feet usually.

When I go to take more, I choose the most mature cuttings and in my revolving pattern the growth rate tends to be ahead.

I don't recommend you doing this until you are very in tune with your plants growth cycle and tell tale signs.

For beginners that wish to take the most cuttings possible I recommend taking every possible cutting from your mother and recycling her. Choose your best clone and make that your new mother, ect.

That method has worked for many I know quite well.

I am just very fond of my genetics and wish to keep cloning from the original mother rather than clones of clones.