How many extract methods are there and how many ounces of flower is needed?


Active Member
Newb to.extracts . never tried either apart from hash.

fairly new to growing flower. but very interested in extracts and getting a higher level of thc.

what methods are there in regards to extracts/oils which would be the easiet as a beginner and reduce wastage

i know of hash and bubble hash and once ive got enough trim and i will be starting grows primarily to then make hash which i want to learn more about the methods ive seen dry sift and them compacted without solvents but i will look into that

but in regards to.extracts in interested in rosin and making edibles.

I've seen others like.shatter still not exactly sure

what other methods are there amd which woud be the easiest as a beginner

Bubble dude bags work great if your after some bubble hash. qwiso hash is great as well and has a better return.
Both are simple and cheap way to make strong edibles.
I decarb mine in oil after extraction.

With hash, you can skip all the first steps, dissolve in the oil, and just do the final decarb.
Choices include mechanical separation (tumbling/dry sieve), Rosin, polar extraction (QWET/QWISO/QWAT), non-polar extraction (BHO), and vegetable glycerin, as well as oils and fats.

Yield depends on the starting material, but for typical bud is around 18 to 25% by weight and about half that for trim.

Here are some links, with apologies for the missing pictures, which my web-master is working on to retrieve, after Vultr Holding lost the site in its entirety.


I use a tumbler too, it's especially good with trim, starting with nothing and ending up with a pile of kief.

I use to do a lot of Butane extraction, a good method when experienced but dangerous if you're new to it. I picked up stainless steal extraction tubes and the whole bit, makes extraction easy.

I have a set of bags for ice water hash but I've never had good luck with that method.

We've had great luck with our Magical Butter Machine and Coconut Oil, a ml puts our family and friends to sleep for the night.

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