How many hrs of full sun?


Hi guys, I wanna get an outdoor grow going only problem is I live at the base of a huge hill and I'm worried that they wont get enough hours of light to thrive. If planted right now (call it Jan 1) they would get 8 hrs of direct most. I'm thinking 10hrs during summer. Is this gonna cut it or should i stay inside?


Well-Known Member
You'll be alright, you'll see bud regardless.
Put it this way, I once flowered in a window well to a basement, It got absolutly 0 hours of direct sunlight, always in shade, It budded and i got smoke but it wasn't anything compared to other crops at all. It was decent it just didn't wasn't worth it for smoke. although i only watered once a week so it was but wouldn't have been if it was more plants.

Understand? Hope so. 4 hrs of DIRECT sunlight is min. IMO 8-12 is ideal

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Stay indoors. Control your climate and get as much light on those girls as possible! Winter is unpredictable and you wouldn't want a hard freeze or snowfall to ruin those girls.


the indoor is gonna stay going! I just wanna veg some girls out for a few months, stick them in the dirt and see happens. But i didnt wanna waste my time if they were not gonna be decent at all. And I live in Palm Springs we dont even know what a hard freeze is...haha. I hear yeah though, gotta do some work to the room before summer because we do know about 110 weather, and thats no bueno. thanks for the help guys

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Your worst enemies will be pests and humidity being from FL. The temps aren't an issue with a decently built ventilation system and possibly a window unit ac. I'm from SC and my first ever grow was in summer time without a cool tube reflector and in a mobile home. You can do it. One good thing about outdoors in FL during winter months is less pests.


I dont mind one foot tall plants budding, but for the outdoor grow im looking for some big guys! i'll wait till like march and then they'll go outside.