How Many Lights?

Hi guys, I'm new to the site and wondering about how many lights i should put in my 9x9 tent. I'm sticking with 600's but am at a dilemma as to whether I should put 4 or 6 reflectors in the room. The ventilation system is good enough that heat wont be an issue, so do you think the extra light will give that much better results or will they be outweighed by the cost of the equipment and bills? Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
600's throw a 3x3' of good usable light. So you COULD put 9 in there but jesus, its going to be CROWDED as hell. Make sure you flower early or once the plants tart overlapping they will stretch like yogis

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I would put 4 600's in there.. Switch plants every 2 weeks to make every 2 week harvest.
Veg with 400 Mh.


Well-Known Member
ur gonna need room for other equipment in the room like a dehumidifier and you'll need room to move around and get to the plants. go with 4 lights. that will cover a 7x7 area and give you room on the sides to manuever and move plants around.
Thanks all for the advice and getting back quickly. I didn't really take into account clearance for my filter and as much as i'd like to do 6 I don't think there'll be room for good duct flow through the lights when they're lower. I'm probably going to have to go with four hoods if i cant work the spacing, but to compensate I was thinking of using 4 of the raptor dual bulb reflectors with 8 600's. Would that help with the problem of light spread with only having 4 hoods?