How many of you Toke-N-Talkers ACTUALLY grow?

DO you grow?

  • I have NEVER grown weed

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • I have grown BEFORE

    Votes: 18 17.5%
  • I do in fact grow my own 8)

    Votes: 79 76.7%

  • Total voters
more pictures 009.jpgAnnie P 027.jpgAfter 40 years of smoking I think I have the right to grow my own. First grow this year thanks to RIUAnnie P 029.jpg
sorry about all the post thanks yall (dumbass must be real proud look at all the post he made)
Great to smoke my own SP

and why apologize for posting pix of the ganj? that is just plain ole silly, lol.. congrats on the harvest, come on over and we'll pack the roor and wait for my white russian to dry and cure..
*LOL* If I'm going to post a pic I want to make damn sure the Feds know I'm legal. I'm paranoid like that. :)
lmfao!!!!!!!! You do know it's illegal under federal law, right? :o I don't think the feds give a fuck if you are "legal". They don't recognize state laws regarding cannabis (unless, of course, they are more severe than federal law).:sad:
lmfao!!!!!!!! You do know it's illegal under federal law, right? :o I don't think the feds give a fuck if you are "legal". They don't recognize state laws regarding cannabis (unless, of course, they are more severe than federal law).:sad:

lmfao!!!!!!!! No. I'm so damn stupid that I have no idea that it's illegal under federal law.

I was referring to my following state guidelines so I don't give the Feds a reason to pay me a visit. It's all on the up and up.
The FEDs wont waste time on a personal grow so stop being paranoid. they would waste more MONEY on the Trip to your house than your grow is worth? well, Im speaking for ppl in Cali, Every1 grows.. .the Feds want Busts of 500+ plants. though, Breaking the law such as Growing within 1000ft of a school, park, gov. bldg and such will get you in trouble anyway. If its not bothering your neighbors and its not in an Apt. illegally. you have no worries =/
I am growing for personal use.

I concur with you mmjane! :)

I never have more than 3 plants max per grow though.. since I only grow for my personal use only. I don't sell either.. never have and never will. I don't need/want any heat around here.. plus the stress that comes with it. Don't need that in my life.. besides, I'm getting to old for that shit. I'll be 30 years old next year.. yikes!!! :| I sure as hell don't feel 29 though.. I feel like I'm 21 or so. ;)

I actually RARELY have 3 plants going per grow.. 99% of the time I only grow 2 plants per grow. Depending on my final yields.. those two plants usually crank out enough bud to last me for a good two months or so. Once I start to see I'm getting low on my buds.. I'll go ahead and start two more plants because it helps me keep bud around.. instead of having any down time.

The FEDs wont waste time on a personal grow so stop being paranoid. they would waste more MONEY on the Trip to your house than your grow is worth? well, Im speaking for ppl in Cali, Every1 grows.. .the Feds want Busts of 500+ plants. though, Breaking the law such as Growing within 1000ft of a school, park, gov. bldg and such will get you in trouble anyway. If its not bothering your neighbors and its not in an Apt. illegally. you have no worries =/

Exactly!!! This is also the other reason why I don't ever have more than 2 or 3 plants going per grow. I know that as long as I keep it little like that.. the fucking feds.. or even the local popo.. aren't going to waste their time, money, and resources on a little bitty fucking grow like mine. They're wanting to the big fish.. the ones that are growing like 100's of plants illegally..

Now, sometimes... the popo will bust a small timer like me.. but its very very rare. They only do that.. so that they can try and flip the small timer.. in ratting out the big timer. But.. see.. I don't have to worry about that either.. because I'm not in the 'dealing' business. Plus, nobody.. NOBODY.. knows about my growing except me.

Its nice being able to grow pretty much worry free!! :)

Now.. I'm just waiting on the day when my state gets their heads outta their ass's and legalizes it for medicinal usage. God only knows when that will come.. :|

Until then, I keep growing my little 2 or 3 plants.. and enjoying the fruits of my labor.

I grow for my own personal use. Just started my second grow. My avatar pic is a Chocolate Rain Bud just before harvest.