How many oz are you getting from your autos

Have you finished a flower cycle with the leds yet? I just got a couple leds and getting started with them, still vegging.
And I'll be real happy if I get 2+ pounds off the greenhouse.

Dude those plants look killer. Yea Ive had the reflectors for a wile and they do work very well.. I got good deal on both.. I also have a 900 mars 2 but its not in that room.. you will for sure get 2 or more lbs.. run those plants out 95 plus days.. or as long as you can hold off mold..
IM not a mars hydro fan boy, I just use there lamps..
hubba bubba smellascope got a chuckle from my wife, never heard of it but the name alone has me curious...
damn that list looks tasty
and I averaged 2.5ish zips per auto plant in my space, but I think they'd do more in less restrictive conditions than mine
the auto ak I had from Blimburn back when they were just starting out (mid-last decade) yielded almost 4 zips - they don't carry it anymore, and I think it was a re-badged seed from another breeder. They are out there but thats another story.
I do almost all photos.
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Think my problem is I get more from my auto s...... I'm currently testing 3 pheno s..... First one I vegged for 6 week... Second for 4 week veg .. and force flowering one from seed .......1 finished and 1 nearly done I'll put up a couple of snap s later.... Peace dude s
I didn't know you vegged autos? I thought you run your lights 18 6 from the get go?
Ha! I don't know what you've grown, but I've grown over 50 strains, and most were very good to kickass. Go to and get some Stone Dragon, or NW's Sour Dragon. Or learn how to choose a strain.........

I'm growing my own strain I call Blue Dragon. Its a cross of Blueberry Headband and Durrty Dragon, and its kickass.
And Maybe you need to learn how to grow. Autos are no more mold or disease prone than any other cannabis. Many photo strains have that issue and its really mostly a lack of control of your environment. If your going to make statements like this, you'd best be able to back them up!

I've grown 32 autos and from a good strain you should expect 2-4 oz but what's a real challenge is finding a strain that produces potent buds, I couldn't find one so I gave up on ruderalis. Another thing to be aware of is they are prone to mold and rot.
Try some Blueberry Headband! KICKass smoke and the plant can get big and produce very well if you let it! Its a photo strain you can get in regs or fems
I'll pay the extra to grow autos! Growing some of Mossy's Dragon's Blood right now. THERE is a strain that will make you think your sofa borrowed some gravity from Jupiter..............
I like photo plants.. save me on power.. But autoflowers are just simple and trouble free for me.. I wish I could clone again, Ive been looking at some nice photo plants..
Ha! I don't know what you've grown, but I've grown over 50 strains, and most were very good to kickass. Go to and get some Stone Dragon, or NW's Sour Dragon. Or learn how to choose a strain.........

I'm growing my own strain I call Blue Dragon. Its a cross of Blueberry Headband and Durrty Dragon, and its kickass.
And Maybe you need to learn how to grow. Autos are no more mold or disease prone than any other cannabis. Many photo strains have that issue and its really mostly a lack of control of your environment. If your going to make statements like this, you'd best be able to back them up!
Don't go around insulting other peoples growing ability I've only grown autos outdoor and yes they are definitely more prone to mold. I already said I've heard of some good auto but I just gave up on them.