How Many People Have You Slept With?

How many people have you slept with?

  • 0

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • 1-5

    Votes: 32 21.1%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 21 13.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 13 8.6%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 9 5.9%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 16 10.5%
  • 26-50

    Votes: 22 14.5%
  • 51-75

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • 76-100

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • 100<

    Votes: 12 7.9%

  • Total voters
haha he wrapped up any chance of me going further by saying, do you want to fuck? like dude, be classy. lol but the truth is i would, he's fine as hell
haha he wrapped up any chance of me going further by saying, do you want to fuck? like dude, be classy. lol but the truth is i would, he's fine as hell

Lol, it sounds as if he just doesn't understand you and how things should be said to you. You could try to communicate to him that you don't appreciate the way he says things like that and that it offends you, and that you would prefer he find another way to express what he wants. If he won't listen and respect your feelings, than he isn't worth it anyways.
actually he's been blowing me off and i called him on it, and he said he was mad at himself and disturbed at what i said, havent heard from him since. two days.... ugh. its just im really inexperienced and he was my first kiss/ guy to mess around with, and so i'd rather not have things voiced, but for it to come naturally
actually he's been blowing me off and i called him on it, and he said he was mad at himself and disturbed at what i said, havent heard from him since. two days.... ugh. its just im really inexperienced and he was my first kiss/ guy to mess around with, and so i'd rather not have things voiced, but for it to come naturally

I understand the feelings you must have for him as he is the first guy you have really been with in any way sexually. I also understand not wanting to voice things, but men aren't mind readers. He can't know what you don't like or are offended by just by looking at you. Sometimes you need to show them or tell them how to go about things. It has helped me a lot in my marriage when I stopped expecting him to read my mind and just KNOW what I wanted. Now I explain to him and tell him what I need or don't like, and he is caring enough to listen and respect my voice.

Most men actually enjoy it when their significant other comes to them and bluntly states what they want or need. It is just who they are and how they are wired. As women, we enjoy subtlety, but men need a different approach, typically.
ugh i think i might have to move on to someone else, i think he's pretty much lost interest
ugh i think i might have to move on to someone else, i think he's pretty much lost interest

Maybe he has, or maybe it is YOU that has lost interest, just with how he has behaved. You should think about yourself, and try not to worry what he is thinking. Trust me, you can make yourself CRAZY wondering what your other is thinking. As I said, you could just be blunt and flat out ask him if he has. If he says yes, then it may hurt, but at least you'll know. If he says no, then most likely, he will try to explain what he has been feeling. Just remember that men think on a sort of different wavelength than us and generally have trouble voicing what they are feeling.

(Side note, I have been seeing a counselor and working through my issues and these are all things I have come to learn, with his help.)
im on number 16 atm and she is an eskimo lol. I was on and off here and ther but once i joined the Marines it was game on, i got lots of pussy in SD and in Pensacola then i got married and settled down. Now im getting a divorce and its been game on ever since. its hard to get pussy in a town where everone knows you fucked some one else.
I honestly never kept track, but if I had to guess a number I would say about 60. In my 20's I had a hot streak lol
Stop thinking shit has to be a certain way. Telling you to "suck it" might be blunt yes...but when your kissing his chest and your in the area what should he say "can I please insert this into your mouth?" Hell no. Stop getting caught up with all the little things and just fucking go after it. If he has seen you...and kissed you...obviously he can see your weight...which is your biggest issue...and he still wants to fuck ya. And ya I can understand your first time and all but let's be real. This isn't high school. There isn't a prom. He isn't gonna the last guy you bang either. But you are NEVER gonna get ANYTHING...unless you there to live on the moment. Talk dirty. And enjoy yourself. Just fucking stop thinking so much and then getting mad wheb we don't read your mind. No wonder he's lost interest. He has blue ass balls and thinks your playing games...have you even told him he is all of your firsts? That will calm him down on the aggressive scale...but if you haven't told him? This is all on you.
actually he's been blowing me off and i called him on it, and he said he was mad at himself and disturbed at what i said, havent heard from him since. two days.... ugh. its just im really inexperienced and he was my first kiss/ guy to mess around with, and so i'd rather not have things voiced, but for it to come naturally

sounds like he found a pussy.
the hell with all the games. you wanna fuck or not? we'll fall in love later if it's meant to be.

Stop thinking shit has to be a certain way. Telling you to "suck it" might be blunt yes...but when your kissing his chest and your in the area what should he say "can I please insert this into your mouth?" Hell no. Stop getting caught up with all the little things and just fucking go after it. If he has seen you...and kissed you...obviously he can see your weight...which is your biggest issue...and he still wants to fuck ya. And ya I can understand your first time and all but let's be real. This isn't high school. There isn't a prom. He isn't gonna the last guy you bang either. But you are NEVER gonna get ANYTHING...unless you there to live on the moment. Talk dirty. And enjoy yourself. Just fucking stop thinking so much and then getting mad wheb we don't read your mind. No wonder he's lost interest. He has blue ass balls and thinks your playing games...have you even told him he is all of your firsts? That will calm him down on the aggressive scale...but if you haven't told him? This is all on you.
Stop thinking shit has to be a certain way. Telling you to "suck it" might be blunt yes...but when your kissing his chest and your in the area what should he say "can I please insert this into your mouth?" Hell no. Stop getting caught up with all the little things and just fucking go after it. If he has seen you...and kissed you...obviously he can see your weight...which is your biggest issue...and he still wants to fuck ya. And ya I can understand your first time and all but let's be real. This isn't high school. There isn't a prom. He isn't gonna the last guy you bang either. But you are NEVER gonna get ANYTHING...unless you there to live on the moment. Talk dirty. And enjoy yourself. Just fucking stop thinking so much and then getting mad wheb we don't read your mind. No wonder he's lost interest. He has blue ass balls and thinks your playing games...have you even told him he is all of your firsts? That will calm him down on the aggressive scale...but if you haven't told him? This is all on you.

he knows... he was hella cool with everything, but then after the last time we were together, he just stopped calling and texting, i never blow up his phone, dont ask him who he's with, etc... i act like i always have and yet he's changed... im not expecting anything romantic, but i wont fuck him cause he doesnt care about me... and how does he have blue balls if i get him off everytime and he doesnt return the favor? he doesnt try to rush me or anything, but i do make sure he gets his... i deserve a bit of respect... he wont even do much other than stuff with my chest... its like i fuck him or else i dont get any pleasure beyond the basic
Is it bad I had to sit down and type out all the names to try and remember the actual number? 13 is all I can remember, there are at least 3 or 4 I can't remember and that's not counting one night stands I can't remember either. God... does that make me a horrible person?
lol, ive slept with so many girls its almost comical, a total hornablla nd very charming and conversational so girls like me, and i like them...then my friend told me about the website like 3 years ago and i have had sex (protected ofcourse) with atleast like 50-60 girls just off there alone so im probably into the 70-80 range by im 28 with a girlfriend now so its not fun anymore but man oh man did i have my share,lol!...i love living in so cal!! many sexy latinas, i tried to have sex with every single of them, from the ghetto hoop earring type to the single mom to strippers, lifeguards, ravers, club hopping sluts, MMmm Mmmm Mmm...good old days...

cool thread!
he knows... he was hella cool with everything, but then after the last time we were together, he just stopped calling and texting, i never blow up his phone, dont ask him who he's with, etc... i act like i always have and yet he's changed... im not expecting anything romantic, but i wont fuck him cause he doesnt care about me... and how does he have blue balls if i get him off everytime and he doesnt return the favor? he doesnt try to rush me or anything, but i do make sure he gets his... i deserve a bit of respect... he wont even do much other than stuff with my chest... its like i fuck him or else i dont get any pleasure beyond the basic

A) Don't expect every guy you fuck to care about you.

B) How is he getting off if you not fuckin' or suckin'?
ah the first time at least i want it to be with someone who cares about me even a little bit
and wouldnt you like to know? lol thats between me and him... but he does get his
Ahh, you just want the first time to be a little special.. I can dig it.

LMAO you've been giving him a nice old fashioned haven't you?