how many plants 4 one 150w hps


Active Member
2 plants.try to lst th plants and keep the light low on em.depending on heat issues,try about 4-6 inches from tops of all your plants.The lower the light can go the better it will enable you to use the light At its fullest.Try the best you can to keep heights of buds at a constant byLST.This should allow u to keep you lights low and help that 150w make the most out of its abilities.


Well-Known Member
Those inexpensive 150s usually have a built in ballast and get pretty warm/hot close to the bulb....gotta have cooling/ventilation to put a light very close.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I agree with one or two just depending on the size of them. Also for that amount of money you could probably get a bigger and better light if you have the room.

If you want two lights to flower and grow seperately I would get a nice HPS for flowering (600 isbest lumen/watt output) and use cheaper alternatives for vegging if you have to. CFLs are cheap and work and maybe can find a good used veg light. Inthe end buyinjg a better light to start will save you money when u inevitably decide you want a bigger light.