how many plants can fit in a 4x4 tent


Active Member
let say i wanna use 3gal grow bags in a 4x4 tent the strain would problly be master kush and bubba kush from seed how many plants will fit in the tent thanx 4 ur help in advance plus rep 4 ur help


Or you could go with 3.5gal buckets which would be nice a sturdy. If your growing with dirt think about hempy buckets, like dirt but with the benefits of hydro. Food for thought as a 3.5gal bucket is only 1ft tall so it doesn't cut too much of your growing height off. And you could fit 10 buckets in there with a plenty of room growing room for each. 9 would give them equal space on all sides at 3x3...


Another thing to consider is how big of a light you are going to use. Too many plants under not enough watts = small crappy buds. 80 - 100 watts per plant is what you are striving for.


Active Member
i have a 4x4 tent with a air cooled 600w mh-hps lite, ffof , full line of ff nutes 16 3gal grow bags 200cfm 4inch inline fan with carbon scrubber and a 170 cfm duct fan for intake. my question is how would u set this up and how many plant should i put in this tent and i know you cant tell me exactly how much i would yeild but under optium condition wut would be a good yeild with a set up like this thanx again fellas for all the advice you have givin so far


Well-Known Member
BRO!! u can fit as many as u can fit... less plants = more veg time to fill out the canopy and take up all available light, just 2 plants if u want.... or a shitload of smaller plants (sog) and u can flip immediatley

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
its really all down to the way you wanna grow how long you wanna veg an the strain ur usin
u can put 25 plants in a 1m square tent or just 1 or 2 plants its all down to how your doing things