how many plants can I grow in Colorado


I want to be a caregiviner to multiple medical marijuana patients and or supply to dispenceries, do I need a license to do this or do I just need to have thier certificates for each 3 flowering and non flowering plants?? Im wanting to start with 6-8 patients and grow to as many as possible. Just how many i can grow legally if there is a limit


Active Member
A quick search in Google came up with this. Wasn't very hard to find..

"Caregivers are entitled to manufacture or possess medical marijuana in order to provide that medicine to the patient. After approval by the Health Department, both the patient and the primary caregiver should be protected from state or local prosecution for possession or cultivation of marijuana that is used solely for the medical purposes within the state guidelines for allowable quantities. However, as discussed below, caregivers and patients remain subject to potential federal prosecution despite the state law allowing for medical marijuana use in Colorado.
The Colorado Health Department previously had an informal policy prohibiting a caregiver from being responsible for more than 5 patients at a time. However, in 2007 Sensible Colorado filed a lawsuit on behalf of a licensed patient who had been denied his choice of caregiver and this informal policy was nullified by the court. Thanks to Sensible Colorado’s efforts in this landmark case, caregivers may now manage the well being of as many patients as they are capable of serving."

AND you can have up to 6 plants per patient.