How many plants for 1000 watt hps


Well-Known Member
i think this is the second most popular question of new growers...first being 'how much will I yield with...?', lol.
I promise, everyone will give you diff answers. basically, you need to decide what your goal is and do whatever you gotta do to reach it.
as there are many ways to grow indoors, there will be as many answers to your question!
I saw a guys grow, w/600w HPS, grew 45 plants, all under 2 feet tall....12/12 from seed.
but you could opt for growing only 2, 18/6 for 8wks, then another 8wks at 12/12...
IMO, you should set some goals for yourself, then ask the experts if it's feasible and how...


Well-Known Member
I would like to yield a half pound or a pound. I'm not sure if this is possible with one 1000 watt hps light so that is why I was asking for advice. Is it to much to shoot for ten plants under one light? I would veg them for two months and then flower. Does this sounds like a joke or is my goal feasible. I will be growing white widow and ak47.


Well-Known Member
You should get 1lb from 5 AK's if you get a good grow going. I am just giving those numbers based off my last AK grow which got me just over 3 O'z dry (1 plant) and it was under 400w HPS. I vegged for 42 days and flowered for about 63 days.

What are the dimensions of your grow area?


Active Member
That's right 10x10 x 8 but what I would do is get the biggest hood and a light rail and mover as well. That will add to what your 1000 watt light can do


Active Member
how much time you got to get them done? i would suggest working with fewer plants and vegging them longer on your first grow as that gives you more time to learn feeding, topping and such. depending on what strain you are growing i would suggested 6 to 8 plants veg for 8 weeks if from seed. that will put you in the 1/2 pound +area and leave you with fewer plants to tend to.


Well-Known Member
first off what are you growing them in? i put 12,, 3 gallon hempy buckets under my 1000w hps i stagger them and every other one goes up on blocks so the light gets to the bottom better. if you want help just pm me with what you have and your plan..i can get you a pound from that light.


Active Member
i have 6 1000w hps for my flowering room and 2 600 w mh lights for my vegging room my strains that are gonna be in my room is afhgan kush, trainwreck ,lsd , blueberry ,blue mystic, the church, super silver haze, the chronic, cheesel, la confidential, himalaya gold, strawberry haze. . im gonna let them grow to be 2 to 3 ft when i strat to let them flower i have a 7.5 ft x15 and a 8 ft in height ceiling i want to get 20 lbs from my plant its gonna be 40 plants in the room. is it possible that i can get that each time at harvest all dried bud weight . this would be my 3rd grow i just brought all the lights and stuff im using soil also. after this first one start i want to harvest every 2 months want to be pulling at the minimum 15 lbs if anybody can help me i would really appreciate it